Supply, Installation and Maintenance of a Secure Door Entry System in Council Offices
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Goods)
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 29 Sep 2022
- Delivery
- To 02 Oct 2027 (est.)
- Deadline
- 28 Oct 2022 11:00
South Lanarkshire Council area
1 buyer
- South Lanarkshire Council Hamilton
he Council wish to procure a contractor to supply, install and maintain a modern, easy to use, future proofed and scalable door entry solution in 6 of their main offices throughout South Lanarkshire Council area as shown below: SLC Headquarters in Hamilton Brandon Gate, Hamilton South Vennel, Lanark David Dale House, Blantyre Cambuslang Gate, Cambuslang Civic Centre, East Kilbride The solution should provide a secure, yet practical and efficient method of ingress and egress from offices for both staff and, where appropriate, members of the public. This solution requires to have an automated operation requiring minimum staff intervention, yet allow manual override in case of emergencies, and provide proper provision for people with mobility issues in the event of any evacuation scenario. Please Note: The Council reserves the right to prioritise the order of site installations and for operational and cost reasons and may elect to reduce the number of actual individual door installations within the remit of this contract.
Total Quantity or Scope
Procurement will be conducted via the Open Tendering procedure and the ITT will be published in Public Contracts Scotland Tender (PCST). Additional information: Quality Award Criteria is listed below: General Requirements Core System Hardware Implementation and Training Consultancy, Maintenance and Support Compliance with IT Standards Sustainability Community Benefits - minimum number of points - 80 Fair Work First
Renewal Options
Contract has an optional extension of up to 60 months subject to satisfactory performance, financial standing and available funding. The contract will be renewed prior to the end of the contract period of the new contract.
Award Criteria
Quality | 60 |
price | 40 |
CPV Codes
- 35121000 - Security equipment
- 35120000 - Surveillance and security systems and devices
- This is a recurring contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Financial restrictions apply.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Technical restrictions apply.
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** SPD Question 2.C.1 Reliance on the capacities of other entities Bidders are required to complete a full SPD for each of the entities whose capacity they rely upon SPD Question 2.D.1 Subcontractors on whose capacity the bidder does not rely Bidders are required to complete a shortened version of the SPD for each Subcontractor on whose capacity the bidder does not rely on Exclusion Criteria Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. SPD Questions 3A – 3C have been identified as mandatory exclusion grounds and SPD Questions 3D have been identified as discretionary exclusion grounds. All the exclusion grounds will be assessed on a PASS/FAIL basis. For the mandatory exclusion grounds a bid will be excluded where the bidder fails to provide either a positive response or to provide details to the satisfaction of the Council of the self cleansing measures undertaken. .For the discretionary exclusion grounds a bid may be excluded where the bidder fails to provide either a positive response or if the Council is not satisfied as to the self-cleansing measures undertaken. Declarations and Certificates In an open tendering procedure prior to any award being made the successful bidder will provide the undernoted certificates, declarations and/or completed questionnaires to evidence their compliance with the relevant questions within the Qualification Envelope. All certificates, declarations and questionnaires can be found within the Attachment area of PCS-T. SPD Question 2D.1 Prompt Payment Certificate SPD Questions 3A.1 to 3A.8 Serious and Organised Crime Declaration SPD Question 3A.6 Modern Slavery Act 2015 Declaration Declaration Section *Form of Tender SPD Question 3D.11 Non-Collusion Certificate SPD Question 4B.4 Audited Accounts for previous 2 Years SPD Question 4B.5.1 Insurance Certificates SPD Question 4D.1 Cloud Security Principles General Attachment Area Health and Safety Questionnaire General Attachment Area SOCA Protocol Form *The ‘Form of Offer to Tender’ must be completed and uploaded within the relevant question in the Commercial Envelope. In the case of an open tender, the other Declarations listed above will not be required to be uploaded and submitted with the bid, but will instead be requested by the Council following the conclusion of the evaluation of the Qualification, Technical and Commercial Envelopes and prior to the award of the tender. Failure to provide this information or in the event that the information provided does not support or evidence the statements made within the SPD will invalidate the bid. In this scenario the Council will seek to obtain the relevant information and evidence from the second highest scoring bidder and so on until a fully compliant bidder is identified. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 21978. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: “Under this agreement bidders will be required to actively participate in the achievement of Community Benefits. A summary of the expected Community Benefits has been provided within the attachment area/technical envelope and bidders will be asked to provide details of the Community Benefits they can offer as part of their bid. The Council has calculated that the minimum total of 80 community benefit points which must be delivered under this project.” (SC Ref:707675)
- ocds-h6vhtk-03715e
- FTS 027321-2022