Further Education Sector - Leadership and Governance Continuous Professional Development

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
25.5 month
03 Oct 2022
20 Feb 2023 to 31 Mar 2025
01 Jan 2001 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The DfE has previously published its commitments to Further Education (FE) providers (which includes charitable FE providers and 6th Form College Corporations) in the Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth White Paper. The White Paper can be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/skills-for-jobs-lifelong-learning-for....

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The DfE also previously issued an Early Supplier Engagement (ESE) notice regarding the delivery of training and professional development to the FE sector. The notice was published on Find a Tender service, publication reference: www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/009051-2022?origin=SearchResults&p=1. Following the ESE and a review of policy requirements, the DfE intends to secure a supplier to deliver a programme of continuous professional development to support effective leadership and governance within the FE sector. Key outcomes of the programme will be to strengthen leadership and governance capacity and capability; equip FE governors, governance professionals and current/aspiring executive leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully lead their corporations and colleges at a time of change; support the growth of a diverse leadership pipeline and aid the development of a self-improving sector. The purpose of this Notice is to inform the market of a potential future opportunity to deliver a programme of continuous professional development within the Further Education sector. Please note, this notice does not signify the commencement of a competitive process and does not constitute any commitment by the Department. If the Department decides to commence a competitive process, a separate notice will be published. Interested organisations should register on the Department's e-procurement tool, Jaggaer. Please register for an account at https://education.app.jaggaer.com/, view the "current opportunities" page and search for: Project_7321, and SSQ_307. All communications and documentation relating to this potential opportunity, and any subsequent opportunity, will be managed through that Jaggaer project. Should a competitive process be conducted, it is currently intended to publish the Opportunity Notice during week commencing 17 October. Please note, this date is subject to change. The Department intended to hold a market engagement webinar event at 10:00 on Friday 21 October, for the purpose of providing an overview of the Opportunity. If your organisation would be interested in attending that webinar, your organisation can express early interest via the Jaggaer message board within Project_7321, and SSQ_307.

