PRJ-1211-SEL ICB-Digital Identity Provider
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 1 year
- Value
- £30K
- Sector
- Published
- 07 Oct 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Dec 2022 to 30 Nov 2023
- Deadline
- 21 Oct 2022 13:00
1 buyer
- South East London Icb London
The recruitment hub, hosted by NHS South East London and on behalf of the four ICBs is looking to commission a provider to work with us to help implement a digital solution for the Right to Work, Identify and DBS checks that are required under the NHS Employment Check standards. As an accredited IDSP, you must be able to provide a digital solution to support the following checks: • Right to Work check to prove compliance and support the Statutory Excuse and be able to check UK & Irish passports and eVisas (through share code applications) - to the same level as that required for a DBS check • ID check to support compliance and fraud protection, with the capability to use biometric facial recognition match and liveness detection to give additional protection against identity theft and fraud. This should be to the same level as required for a DBS check. • DBS check - to provide one or both of the following options: a) Provide the ID/RTW check to the standard required by DBS for us to request a check through our own provider or b) Provide the ID/RTW check and undertake the DBS check Right to Work support guidance can be subject to change, we need a provider who is able to provide advice, stays on top of legislative changes and can be on hand to help if we need human assistance.
CPV Codes
- 85100000 - Health services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
The contract is going to be for 1 year. The Contract is expected to commence on 1st December 2022 to the 30th November 2023. Bidders are requested to review the contents of the Request for Quotation guidance document carefully, register their organisation, and express their interest in the RFQ via the e-tendering portal (ProContract). RFQ documentation can be accessed following initial registration and expression of interest via the e-tendering portal: Any reference to "the e-tendering portal" should be considered reflective of the above web address. The RFQ has been issued through the e-tendering portal. All Bidders wishing to participate must complete and submit Bids that comply with the requirements set out in the RFQ document. Bidders are required to complete the Bid Response Document (Section F of the RFQ document) and upload it and any attachments as indicated, onto the e-tendering portal before the deadline for submission of bids specified in the RFQ Guidance Document. The project on the Pro-contract Portal can be accessed by: The deadline for the submission of the quotation is 14:00 Monday 21 October 2022
- NELondon001-DN635966-69375850
- CF cc397a81-ec77-4bfb-873b-81490a1b5a18