Short Breaks for Disabled Children & Young People

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
2 year
14 Oct 2022
01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2025
14 Nov 2022 13:00



Warwickshire: UKG33: Coventry

Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers


Coventry City Council is undertaking a re-procurement process to identify and appoint additional service providers to an existing framework (COV - 6608) to deliver services with regard to Short Breaks and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilities. The process is to refresh the existing framework - original OJEU Notice reference: 2020/S 014-029273. The purpose of this flexible framework reopening event is to allow up to a further three (3) additional service providers to join the current list of approved providers, from an increase of two (2) providers to, up to five (5) providers. The contract period available is for the two remaining years of the existing framework.

Total Quantity or Scope

Community short breaks are intended to have positive benefits for both children and young people who have disabilities as well as their parents and carers. Providers will support individual children with disabilities and young people to access mainstream community assets and activities as outlined in the child's support plan. E. g community art groups, and scouts. The service is required for children with disabilities and young people who have been assessed, via a Social Care assessment or an Early Help assessment as in need of 1:1 (or 2:1) support to access community activities. The service will be delivered in line with each individual's support plan and will adhere to the following service principles: The delivery of personalised support The delivery of outcomes Focus on promoting independence Focus on community inclusion Promoting equality Working in partnership Child protection and Safeguarding including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) This flexible framework re-open event is designed with the intention to award up to a maximum of three successful Providers. Where the authority is not in the position to award to three, it reserves the right to award a lower number i.e one or two. This has been designed to ensure; continued competition, a basis of flexibility, and also support the creation of sustainable business opportunities for new market entrants, into the City of Coventry. Each Call-off from the framework would be for the delivery of a short break package and/or separate home support package. All parties participating in this tender exercise including those preferred bidders awarded a place on the framework should at all times note that the Council provides no guarantee (express or implied) as to the minimum level of work offered to framework partners pursuant to the contract. All Call-offs made against the flexible framework will be delivered via mini-competition exercises. All providers accepted onto the Framework Agreement will be invited to compete for specific requirements at the time of each referral. This is to provide the necessitated flexibility in the process, to allow for service provision to be effectively delivered, at the right time, to meet variable demand. Reopening of the Flexible Framework - The aim is to commission a further three (3), sustainable providers (in addition to the current two providers), with the requisite sufficiency to support the framework and deliver quality, choice, and market viability. If during the remaining Framework Agreement Term, a provider is removed or withdraws from the framework; other external Providers, including those that have previously applied and failed to become a Framework Provider, will be given a further opportunity to obtain a place on this Framework Agreement. Additional information: This procurement is for Social Care Services which are considered Light Touch Regime (LTR) services under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations ("Regulations"). Accordingly, the Council is only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 'Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7, Social and Other Specific Services' 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Council is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. The procedure which the Council is following is set out within this ITT. The agreement is based upon the basic principles of a framework agreement, and although there are some similar aspects, it does not fully operate in the same way as outlined in regulation 33 of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015). The Local Authority will create a "pseudo framework agreement" (based on CCS guidance) and have set out clearly how we intend to operate the framework agreement from the outset through the OJEU notice, Tender Document, and Call-off Schedule, which also details the timeline for when it will be reopened. This meets the duty of transparency and equal treatment, which are the main guidelines to follow when setting up an LTR contract.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (the Information Acts) and all correspondence received from bidders may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Acts. If any tenderer considers that any of the information it submits to the Council is exempt from disclosure under the Information Acts then this should be stated in writing at the time the information is supplied together with the reason for considering it exempt. On receipt of an information request relating to the information considered exempt the Council will, where reasonably practicable, consult with the relevant tenderer in considering any request for disclosure before disclosing such information. However, in submitting any information to the Councils, bidders accept and acknowledge that the Council may, acting in accordance with the Information Acts and associated codes of practice, disclose information: (a) without consulting the relevant tenderer; or (b) following consultation with the tenderer and having taken its views into account.

