Sports Pavilion

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
7 month
26 Oct 2022
01 Feb 2023 to 31 Aug 2023
07 Dec 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Invitation to Tender DBHPC/22/01 Badminton Road Sports Pavilion, Sutherland Avenue, Downend, Bristol BS16 6QW New 15 section single storey modular sports facility You are invited to submit a tender to demolish and remove from site the existing structure at this location and to prepare the appropriate groundwork. Also, to supply, deliver and install a new sports pavilion at the playing fields off Sutherland Avenue, Downend, Bristol BS16 6QW, to the specification outlined in the attached documents. Please find attached: • Scope of Works Stage 1 • Existing ground floor plan • Asbestos report • Site location plan • Drawing PBSE6178 - E Floor plan • Drawing PBSE6178 - 04 Elevations • Drawing PBSE6178 - 05 Elevations • Specification: Badminton Road Sports Pavilion Specification Rev B • Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan Please note when submitting your tender: • Delivery timescales should be provided • Details of all applicable guarantees must be included • Payment terms to be agreed Three copies of your tender must be received by the Clerk to the Council, Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council, Parish Office, Downend Library, Buckingham Gardens, Downend, Bristol BS16 5TW no later than 12 noon on 7 December 2022. Late tenders will not be considered. Electronic tender responses should not be submitted. Please note that this tender forms two stages. The second phase for landscaping works is included within the Contracts Finder website. If having read the enclosed specification you decide not to submit a tender, I would be grateful if you could send your reasons (though you are under no obligation to do so) to the Clerk to the Council at the above address marked 'No Tender'. Please note that if you decide to tender for this project then you are agreeing to the following: • I/We understand that the client does not bind him/herself to accept the lowest or any tender responses and reserves the right to accept a tender in whole or part as he/she considers fit. • I/We have not computed or adjusted the amount of my/our tender figure by consultation with any other person, firm, company or organisation of any kind whatsoever (except where it was essential for the purposes of obtaining prices for materials and/or services). • No Value Added Tax is included in this tender. • I/We agree this tender will remain open for acceptance until 3 months after the tender return date. • I/We, having read and understood the Conditions of Contract, hereby tender and undertake to execute the works described in the attached specifications and plans, and for that purpose to provide the materials as specified for the sum detailed in our tender return. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the tendering procedure. Angela Hocking, Clerk to the Council Tel. 0117 9567001 Email.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Sports Pavilion

