Provision of Design, Development and Maintenance of the Test of Competence

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
27 Oct 2022
not specified
15 Nov 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


We are the independent regulator for nurses and midwives in the UK, and nursing associates in England. Our vision is safe, effective and kind nursing and midwifery that improves everyone's health and wellbeing. As the independent regulator of more than 758,000 nursing and midwifery professionals, we have an important role to play in making this a reality. Our core role is to regulate. First, we promote high education and professional standards for nurses and midwives across the UK, and nursing associates in England. Second, we maintain the register of professionals eligible to practise. Third, we investigate concerns about nurses, midwives and nursing associates - something that affects less than one percent of professionals each year. We believe in giving professionals the chance to address concerns, but we'll always take action when needed. To regulate well, we support our professions and the public. We create resources and guidance that are useful throughout people's careers, helping them to deliver our standards in practice and address new challenges. We also support people involved in our investigations, and we're increasing our visibility so people feel engaged and empowered to shape our work. The Nursing and Midwifery Council has initiated a Market Engagement exercise and will be issuing the Market Engagement Questionnaire, an information gathering exercise by the NMC to inform the development of their approach prior to undertaking a potential new competitive procurement exercise for the Provision of Design, Development and Maintenance of the Test of Competence.

CPV Codes

  • 80490000 - Operation of an educational centre


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Responses to the Questionnaire are to be completed electronically using the NMC e-Sourcing portal ('e-Sourcing Portal') For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Atamis e-Sourcing portal at Please note the following project name and reference number allocated to this procurement process ('Procurement') within the e-Sourcing Portal. Project Name: Market Engagement - Provision of Design, Development and Maintenance of the Test of Competence. Project Reference: C1097 For an opportunity to take part in this procurement exercise please register with our free tendering portal at . You will need to complete a short form to register, providing company details, categories you can provide services for, and user details including an email address that will be used as your login details. If you choose to opt in, the Market Engagement Questionnaire will be available to you in week commencing 31 October 2022 via our Atamis tendering portal which needs to be completed and returned via portal by midday 15 November 2022. (Please make sure you check regularly our e-sourcing portal for Find opportunities using the abovementioned project reference). The test of competence is designed to assess a candidate's ability to meet the NMC's standards of proficiency and to practise safely, effectively and in accordance with the NMC's Code of Conduct (the 'Code'). The test currently comprises two elements. The first is a computer-based test (the 'CBT') which assesses a candidate's clinical and numerical knowledge through two multiple choice test papers. The second element is the objective structured clinical examination (the 'OSCE') which is a practical, simulated assessment of the candidate's practical clinical skills and knowledge. Who can sit the Test of competence For applicants to the nursing or midwifery part of the register who were trained outside of the EU or the EEA, the NMC will ask candidates to demonstrate that they hold a qualification that has or could lead to registration in the candidate's home country, which is referred to as our eligibility criteria. As part of our registration process, the candidate is required to sit test of competence to demonstrate that they have the requisite standard of proficiency for admission to the nursing or midwifery part of the register. More information covering the Code can be found here: There are now seven platforms within the new standards of proficiency for registered nurses with two skills and procedure annexes (A and B). The standards of proficiency for registered nurses were launched in May 2018 and came into effect on 28 January 2019. These standards can be found here: These standards of proficiency apply to all four fields of nursing practice. However, we recognise that there is an additional depth of knowledge and skills necessary for the applicant's intended field of practice. The standards of proficiency for nursing associates were agreed in September 2018. These standards align to the new standards of proficiency for registered nurses and allow for smooth progression for those nursing associates who want to become nurses in the future. These will also make it easy to see the distinctions between the nursing and nursing associate roles. The nursing associate standards of proficiency can be found on our website here: Our midwifery standards were updated in 2020, and you can find more details about our midwifery standards here: Standards of proficiency for midwives - The Nursing and Midwifery Council ( ) The Supplier shall at all times ensure that the test of competence is designed and able to be delivered in such a way as to always comply with any applicable anti-discrimination legislation and with the NMC's Equality and Diversity "Valuing Diversity" Policy (which may be amended from time to time). Important: The anticipated contract value for the three-year term is estimated at £1,000,000.

