Shawfair District Heating Network – Secondary Pipework Design and Installation

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Works)
not specified
14 Nov 2022
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


MEL is seeking to procure a suitably experienced company or companies under a Framework Contract (the Contract) to lead the successful design and construction of the on plot district heating systems within the Shawfair area in Midlothian, Scotland. The works for the heat network development will consist of the construction of polymer based district heating networks within the boundary of property development sites over a period of up to eight years, to service residential (and potentially commercial) development units. This will be via a local heat substation or point of connection up to and potentially including the installation of the risers, laterals and Heat Interface Units (HIU) and associated internal infrastructure at or within new buildings. Under the Contract, MEL anticipates connecting approximately three hundred and fifty units per year for over the eight year period, although the number of units instructed under the Contract may be less and will vary year to year depending upon the development programme.

Total Quantity or Scope

Shawfair is a new mixed use residential and commercial development in Midlothian, Scotland. A local Energy from waste plant (EfW) has been identified as the primary source of heat for a district heat network to serve the development area. This project aims to connect the primary District Heating Network (DHN) to an energy centre, which will then supply heat from the EfW to local heat substations or connection points to residential and potentially commercial development sites in and around the Shawfair area. The design and build works relating to the primary DHN and the energy centre are being procured under a separate contract notice. The heat is to be transported via a polymer based pipe from points of connection (valve set at the boundary of the development plot, or heat substation) to an estimated 2900 properties (proposed Shawfair Town development). The development is at present anticipated to be split into 10 to 15 separate development areas, each of which may contain a number of discrete plots. The project is new build. MEL's intention is to appoint a single contractor under the Contract. However MEL reserves the right to appoint more than one contractor. It is anticipated that the scope for each call off under the Contract will be instructed on a site by site basis and will include (but is not limited to) design and build of the polymer based pipe secondary DHN from a point of connection at the boundary of the development area up to and potentially within each building, including: - Design (RIBA 2 – RIBA 6 requirements) and CDM compliance (Contractor and Designer roles). - Supply and installation of polymer based pre-insulated pipe DHN within preformed trenches. - Supply and installation of risers within property to the heat interface unit (HIU). - Supply and installation of Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system field devices as specified by MEL (responsibility for procurement of field devices will be confirmed within the negotiation procedure). - Pressure testing and commissioning including flushing, first fill, and balancing. - Provision of all manuals, certification and training compliant with practical completion, Operations and Maintenance Manual and Health and Safety file. The scope may also include the installation & supply of risers and laterals, HIU and Heat Meter (MID004 class 2 compliant). All works shall comply with the technical specification issued by MEL, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) installation requirements, statutory requirements and good industry practice. The Contract will contain options for MEL to instruct the successful contractor to price and carry out the design and build of secondary network extensions to new customers in or around the Shawfair area beyond the initial scope listed. MEL reserves the right to benchmark the price of any additional works under a separate contract notice and potentially award those works to others.

Award Detail

1 Therma Mech (Bristol)
  • Reference: 032127-2022-1

Renewal Options

The Contract will contain options for MEL to instruct the successful contractor to price and carry out the design and build of secondary network extensions to new customers in or around the Shawfair area beyond the initial scope listed.

Award Criteria

Design 10%
Programme 8%
Project Delivery 8%
Management 6%
Heath, Safety, Environment & Sustainability 4%
Social value 2%
Legal and contractual 2%
price 60%

CPV Codes

  • 45232140 - District-heating mains construction work
  • 09300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
  • 09323000 - District heating
  • 38551000 - Energy meters
  • 44163120 - Distance-heating pipes
  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45251000 - Construction works for power plants and heating plants
  • 71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
  • 71314000 - Energy and related services
  • 71314310 - Heating engineering services for buildings
  • 71700000 - Monitoring and control services


  • Options are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** (SC Ref:713340)

