Supercomputing Wales - Software Maintenance

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
2 year (est.)
18 Nov 2022
To 17 Nov 2024 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Supercomputing Wales (SCW) is a GBP20m pan-Wales programme part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Welsh Government (Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO)) to provide a state-of-the-art supercomputing and big data facility for Wales. The programme is a collaboration between four universities, led by Cardiff University in partnership with Swansea, Bangor and Aberystwyth universities. Researchers at the consortium universities access two supercomputing (high-performance computing (HPC)) hubs, one at Cardiff University and one at Swansea university, via a high-speed network. The facilities allow these users to perform complex calculations which wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Expert Research Software Engineers work with researchers to develop software to utilise the facilities, simulate complex problems and enable innovative, world-class research that will lead to vital research breakthroughs. An OJEU tender process was conducted on behalf of Supercomputing Wales by Cardiff University in 2017 to award a bespoke framework agreement to provide the technology infrastructure (hardware and software). This resulted in the identification of a main technology lead contractor with a number of authorised subcontractors to supply the research computing infrastructure and relevant support services to Supercomputing Wales. The two HPC hubs were upgraded in 2018 through this framework. Further goods and services have been purchased via the framework since 2018 by both Cardiff and Swansea universities; the majority of these expansion purchases have been funded from other research grants to allow dedicated access or functionality for specific research teams; they also add value to the original ERDF investment. The framework agreement, of which the signatories are Cardiff University (acting on behalf of the Supercomputing Wales consortium) and a main supplier (acting on behalf of sub-contractors), came to the end of its four-year term in March 2022. This procurement process is for the following: New Software Maintenance and Support (M&S) agreements for existing call-off contracts/systems. Currently there are a number of Call-off Contracts in place between SCW and the lead Contractor. Many of these call-off contracts out-live the overall framework agreement which expired in March 2022. There is therefore now a requirement for new Software Maintenance and Support agreements. The Cardiff University M&S contract for the main Hawk system expires late September 2022, but as this procurement will likely lead to the purchase of new software, it needs to be in place for testing before that date. The following is within scope: Cardiff University Invitation to Tender – ITT Guidance and Instructions 4 Licenses for the multiple components of system software that, together, deliver the optimal performance of the high performance computing infrastructure on research-based workloads: “the software stack”; associated maintenance and support, which includes software updates, fixing of snags and glitches, security patches and guidance, advice and training on using the software.

Award Detail

1 Ocf (Sheffield)
  • Reference: cu.844.rh
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £139,690
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

Quality 80.0
PRICE 20.0

CPV Codes

  • 72267000 - Software maintenance and repair services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

(WA Ref:126638)

