ID5026 Group Energy Commodity Tender
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Goods)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- £-£320M
- Sector
- Published
- 06 Dec 2022
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
1 buyer
- MAG Airport Manchester
The PIN consists of 2 Lots: Lot 1 - Offsite Renewable Power Purchase Agreement Lot 2 - Energy Supplier Contract
Lot Division
1 | Offsite Renewable Power Purchase Agreement MAG Airport Limited (hereafter MAG) is seeking to enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) program with one or a small number of renewable energy generation parties supporting the development of additional renewable energy in the United Kingdom. MAG views PPAs as integral to achieving its ambitious decarbonisation targets, while also securing long term price certainty in the increasingly volatile energy price environment. MAG is looking for a long-term partner to achieve these goals, support it's growth as a climate leader, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2038. MAG currently consumes 200 GWh of electricity from the grid across its three sites (Manchester Airport, Stansted Airport and East Midlands Airport) and plans to enter into off-site power purchase agreements with the intention of bringing new renewable energy generation into its supply mix by end 2024. MAG is seeking to enter into contracts with renewable energy developers to purchase power in the UK to deliver between 100 GWh and 140 GWh of power per annum in the form of an off-site physical power purchasing agreement. MAG is looking for developers who can provide offsite physical PPAs that would be operational by end 2024 for the duration of the supply period (e.g. 10 years) as well as the associated additionality criteria, guarantee of origin, environmental attributes and benefits satisfied (i.e. REGOs). The developer would work closely with MAG?s appointed sleeving agent to support MAG?s strategy. The date listed in this PIN for the contract award, 2 May 2023, is indicative. Please regularly check our portal for our PQQ and RFP notice expected to be issued in January 2023. |
2 | Energy Supplier Contract MAG Airport Limited (hereafter MAG) is seeking a long term energy supplier partner to meet the power demands across its three sites (Manchester Airport, Stansted Airport and East Midlands Airport) with a current consumption of over 200GWh from the grid. MAG is separately looking to enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) program with one or a small number of renewable energy generation parties to provide new generation by end of 2024, and is in the process of developing onsite solar power generation. The new energy supplier will need to act as a sleeving agent to support MAG in managing its existing and new PPAs and therefore achieving its ambitious decarbonisation targets, its growing role as a climate leader, and its ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2038. MAG is seeking an energy supplier from FY2024 that can integrate MAG?s existing PPAs (expected to generate between 65 GWh and 75 GWh of power per annum from 2025), new offsite PPAs (generating a further 100-140GWh per annum from 2024), and provide shaping and flexibility to allow for its future energy strategy. The preferred contract structure would be a physical sleeved PPA structure. MAG will need balancing and shaping services as part of the offering with the new energy supplier in order to facilitate a seamless sleeve of baseload power into MAG?s import hedging structure. The date listed in this PIN for the contract award is 2 May 2023 is indicative. Please regularly check our portal for our PQQ and RFP notice expected to be issued in January 2023. |
CPV Codes
- 09310000 - Electricity
- 09330000 - Solar energy
- 31121340 - Wind farm
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Parties interested in obtaining more information about MAG's Energy Commodity Tender Project are asked to firstly register on Manchester Airport Group's e-tendering system on the Link: Once you have registered please email and advise that you have registered. You will then be given access to the information pack on the portal. Please submit your expression of interest document by 18th January 2023.
- ocds-h6vhtk-038b31
- FTS 034548-2022