ENHT - Infrastructure Development Programme

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Works)
not specified
09 Dec 2022
not specified



Hertfordshire: Lister Hospital, Stevenage, SG1 4AB

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust (“ENHT”) is issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market and to request feedback from prospective bidders prior to the planned Infrastructure Development Programme procurement.ENHT is seeking a solution for a civic main entrance, circulation space, retail offer and office accommodation for the main Lister Hospital site on a third party funded, off-Trust-balance sheet basis. Interested organisations are invited to attend a market engagement session and to submit a market engagement questionnaire.

Total Quantity or Scope

ENHT does not have the benefit of capital funding for the project and therefore any solution will need to be fully funded by or through the relevant partner. In addition, the solution must remain off ENHT’s balance sheet in compliance with IFRS 16. ENHT has also identified that there may be alternative locations for the facility at the site and would welcome feedback from prospective bidders on alternative locations or approaches for the facility and how these could improve the commercial viability or amenity of the project. ENHT would welcome suggestions from potential bidders as to the potential location, design and square meterage of the build. ENHT would also welcome suggestions on routes and funding levels required to deliver an off-balance sheet solution.This prior information notice (PIN) is intended to provide potential bidders with the opportunity to engage with ENHT to provide feedback on potential means of delivering ENHT’s commercial requirements, as well as any anticipated issues organisations may see, to inform a future procurement process for a civic main entrance, circulation space, retail offer and office accommodation. It is intended that that the pre-procurement engagement process will assist ENHT to identify whether there are potential bidders who would be able to engage with ENHT in a future procurement of a design, finance and build off balance sheet solution. Please note, in order to assist organisations to determine whether the opportunity is of interest, the value of the opportunity has been estimated at £4m-£10m. This is a high level estimate based on a range of similar facilities for other NHS Trusts, but ENHT notes that the value may be affected by the eventual commercial model adopted. Additional information: The pre-procurement engagement process is expected to involve several stages:- Submission of a completed questionnaire via the Atamis Health Family portal. - A market briefing event – date TBC- A group site visit - date TBC- ENHT may also choose to carry out 1:1 discussions with interested organisations. Those interested in participating should indicate this in the questionnaire.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45213100 - Construction work for commercial buildings
  • 45215100 - Construction work for buildings relating to health
  • 45300000 - Building installation work
  • 71200000 - Architectural and related services
  • 71334000 - Mechanical and electrical engineering services
  • 45100000 - Site preparation work
  • 71500000 - Construction-related services
  • 45400000 - Building completion work
  • 71300000 - Engineering services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 44211000 - Prefabricated buildings
  • 45223800 - Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures
  • 45262410 - Structural steel erection work for buildings
  • 45211350 - Multi-functional buildings construction work
  • 45223810 - Prefabricated constructions
  • 45223820 - Prefabricated units and components
  • 45262300 - Concrete work

Other Information

Further details are set out below. The questionnaire document is available in the Atamis Health Family e-Tendering Portal (landing page https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome; project ref C111573). ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

