Audiological Diagnostics, Implantable Devices, Accessories & Services 2024

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
13 Dec 2022
not specified



United Kingdom: Various Locations in the UK

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Health Solutions Team
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


"Non-exclusive Framework Agreement (FAG) for the supply to the NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC) customer base for Audiological Diagnostics, Implantable Devices, Accessories & Services, and Audiological Equipment Products. It is anticipated that expenditure will be in the region of £112m to £121m in the initial term, with an estimated total value of £245m over the full 2+2 year term. This is an approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the FAG. NHSSC intends to enter into arrangements under which it will be entitled to purchase supplies and/or services which it will make available for purchase by 1) any NHS Trust; 2) any other NHS entity; 3) any government department, agency or other statutory body and/or 4) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector. "

Lot Division

1 Audiological Implantable Devices, Maintenance and Repair

"Products within this lot include, but are not limited to: Cochlear Implants including Auditory Brainstem Implants, Bone Conduction implants and Middle Ear implants. Certain products within this Framework Agreement sit under the NHS England Specialised Service Devices Programme (SSDP) (formerly known as the High-Cost Tariff-Excluded Devices programme) . Trusts who are commissioned to provide such specialised services in England are directed to purchase all their requirements through a national supply system through NHS Supply Chain. Details of the product categories currently within scope of the NHS England Specialised Service Devices Programme (SSDP), can be found using the following link: In accordance with the specialised services commissioning policy, NHS England will determine which products are classified as excluded from tariff and which are made available under the NHS England Specialised Service Devices Programme (SSDP). " Additional information: " It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £100,000,000 in the first term (2 years)of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the framework agreement. The estimated value over the total framework agreement term is £205,000,000"

2 Audiological Equipment Services and Related Consumables

Products within this lot include, but are not limited to: Diagnostic & Fitting Equipment, Newborn Hearing Screening Equipment, Wax Management, Audiological Devices, Patient Management Systems, and Related Consumables. Additional information: It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £16,000,000 in the first term (2 years) of this framework agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the framework agreement. The estimated value over the total framework agreement term is £30,000,000

CPV Codes

  • 33100000 - Medical equipments
  • 33184100 - Surgical implants
  • 33185200 - Cochlear implant
  • 32351300 - Audio equipment accessories
  • 33121400 - Audiometers
  • 33124100 - Diagnostic devices
  • 33124130 - Diagnostic supplies
  • 85121240 - ENT or audiologist services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** "The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the next 12 months. This PIN combines and replaces two previously published PIN’s: Audiological Equipment Services and Related Consumables 2024 (Reference:2022/S 000-026498 dated:22 September 2022) and Audiological Implantable Devices Accessories Consumables Maintenance and Repair 2024 (Reference:2022/S 000-022158 dated:11 August 2022). The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice. It is intended that the following certification will be a requirement of the tender and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this: - ISO9001:2015 accredited by UKAS (or equivalent) to cover all segments of the products supply chain. - Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim - Product Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate - Employers Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim - Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable) The Framework Agreement will be between NHS Supply Chain and the Supplier under which will be two different methods of supply; one for Non-Direct Contract Products and one for Direct Contract Products. For Non-Direct Contract Products NHS Supply Chain will make available for purchase the supplies and/or services by 1) any NHS Trust; 2) any other NHS entity; 3) any government department, agency or other statutory body and/or 4) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector. For the Direct Contract Products these entities will be able to enter into a direct contract with the Supplier for any of the supplies and/or services under the Framework. Full details will be avilable in the tender. Candidates wishing to register their expression of interest can do so on Jaggaer via the following URL: The NHS has adopted PPN 06/20 (taking account of Social Value in the award of Government Contracts) 2022, and therefore this future tender will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a min. weighting of 10% towards the award. For more information on Social Value, please see: In addition, from April 2023: the NHS will adopt the Government’s ‘Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans‘ (PPN 06/21) requiring all suppliers with new contracts for goods, services, and/or works with an anticipated contract value above £5 million per annum, to publish a carbon reduction plan for their direct emissions. From April 2024, the NHS will expand this requirement for all new contracts, irrespective of value. NHS Supply Chain is currently considering the use of lots for this procurement. However, it reserves the right not to as part of any future tender.Full details of the lot strategy will be set out in the notice for the tender. REGISTRATION 1. Use URL to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal. 2. If not yet registered: - Click on the ‘Not Registered Yet’ link to access the registration page. - Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page. PORTAL ACCESS If registration has been completed: - Login with URL . -Click on the “Supplier Dashboard” icon and select “Prior Information Notice” towards the top right of the screen to open the list of new Prior Information Notices. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - View PIN content by clicking on the ‘VIEW NOTICE’ button for the procurement event. This opens a PDF document. - Express an interest by clicking on the ‘EXPRESS INTEREST’ button. "

