YAS 53 2022_23 Northern Ambulance Alliance (NAA) Common Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Products)
7 year
13 Dec 2022
01 Sep 2023 to 31 Aug 2030
03 Mar 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust is the contracting authority (the "Authority") for the appointment of a single supplier to a framework (the "Framework") on behalf of the NAA Common CAD project. NAA consists of the four Ambulance Services covering the North of England and East Midlands ie North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust, and North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. This is a collaborative procurement between Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (together the "Participating NAA Trusts") for the provision of a Common CAD solution. The Framework is to be available to the Participating NAA Trusts referenced above and any other in-scope organisation The procurement involves the establishment of a framework with one (1) single economic operator. The NAA Common CAD Framework will comprise CAD services for three Service Lines (ie 999, 111, and Patient Transport Services) each capable of being called off independently or in any permutation at differing times, with associated infrastructure, delivery, development, support, and training services. The Framework contract is for a duration of seven (7) years. Individual call offs can be up to ten (10) years, with optional 3 x 12 month extensions. The intention of the Participating NAA Trusts referenced above is to call off each of the Service Lines for which they will contract from the Framework for an initial period of 10 years plus optional extensions of up to a total of 3 years. The Authority seeks to determine the most economically advantageous tender through an evaluation against both price and quality criteria. The Authority holds no preference with regards to the service delivery architecture (such as cloud, hosted, on premise) and will evaluate all submissions based on the criteria specified within the procurement documentation in order to realise the project's aims and objectives. The project's aims and objectives are detailed in the procurement documentation, available as described herein, and encompass the realisation of benefits including improved service efficiency and patient care from cross organisation and cross Service Line interoperability.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems

Other Information

The associated Framework and call-off contracts will allow a route to contract that presents an assured and transparent methodology and structure. *ADDITION: An interested parties conference will take place virtually via MS Teams on 15/12/22 at 9-11am GMT. The link to the conference can be obtained by contacting yas.naa@nhs.net. The Authority will present an overview of the invitation to tender ("ITT") and provide an initial opportunity for clarification questions. To apply for this opportunity please register on our procurement portal https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome

