CS/0422/FOP(c) Framework of Providers – Specialist Services for Disabled Children Young People and their Families

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
35.5 month
16 Dec 2022
15 May 2023 to 30 Apr 2026
23 Jan 2023 11:00



Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire:

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers


Derbyshire County Council is inviting tender from providers to join a framework to deliver specialised services for disabled children, young people 0-25 and their families. The framework will comprise of five lots: Lot A One-to-One Support Lot B Overnight short breaks – standard and complex Lot C Group activities Lot D Home Care services Lot E Support Planning & Brokerage The framework will also be available for use by Derby City Council and a provider list will published on the Council's website for use by families and individuals with a personal budget. Please note: The Council is procuring the services base on open Tender procedures under the Light Touch Regime for health, social and other specific services. A new qualifying period will be advertised periodically, during which time the relevant Framework Lot(s) shall be open to new applicant, every 6 months and/or where the number of providers on any Lot is below the minimum threshold.

Lot Division

1 Lot A One-to-One Support
  • Value: £4M

Lot A One-to-One Support includes – specialist sitting/childcare service for disabled children and young people.

2 Lot B Overnight short breaks – standard and complex
  • Value: £4M

Lot B Overnight short breaks – standard and complex, residential activity breaks for disabled children and young people – aged 8 and over.

3 Lot C Group activities
  • Value: £4M

Lot C Specialist group activities for disabled children and young people

4 Lot D Home Care services
  • Value: £4M

Lot D Home Care Services - to provide support to disabled children, young people and their families with personal, practical and social/emotional aspects of ordinary living that young people might usually perform for themselves, or might be performed by their carers.

5 Lot E Support Planning & Brokerage
  • Value: £4M

Lot E Support Planning & Brokerage - To support disabled children, young people and their families with personal budgets or direct payments to develop a support plan. To provide a creative, impartial and efficient brokerage service where they need help to put their plans into action

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

