UKRI-2253 R80 Tower Decommissioning and Adiabatic Cooler Design and Build

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Works)
not specified
19 Dec 2022
not specified



United Kingdom: UNITED KINGDOM

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of R80 Tower Decommissioning and Adiabatic Cooler Design and Build. The estimated value of this opportunity is £1,000,000 - £2,000,000. The scope includes management and delivery of design and construction services for the R80 Chilled water and process systems at the site address Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxford, Didcot OX11 0QX. The Contractor is required to act as a design and build contractor and will be responsible for all civil, mechanical, electrical construction; installation and commissioning within the CDM Works area.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Contractor is required to act as a design and build contractor and will be responsible for all civil, mechanical, electrical construction; installation and commissioning of the following – but not limited to - within the CDM Works area (i.e., The R80 roof area) and in accordance with the Completion Dates (See Provisional Programme within Appendix D - Project Brief). - 8 No New Adiabatic coolers (AC’s). - Connecting pipework and fittings to and the new AC’s within the CDM Works Area. - All types of valves (isolation, regulating, non-return either manual or actuated). - Commissioning sets and pressure reducing valves. - Testing and drainage points. - Basket and other Filters. - All steel support work for the Adiabatic Coolers. - All pipework supports. - All local electrical power and signal cabling with cable trays etc and supports. - All necessary civil surveying /setting out work. The Contractor will be entirely responsible for organising the decommissioning and removal of the existing Balticare Cooling Towers within the CDM Works Area. Background The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source is a world-leading centre for research at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford. The R80 facility houses the Second Target Station (TS2) and its associated neutron beamlines. At the end of each beam line is an instrument hut complete with research instrumentation all of which require a source of suitably graded cold demineralised water. The Demin cooling water used to cool the target is provided by a ‘closed loop’ circuit with the duty/standby pump arrangement; two Plate Heat Exchangers (PHExs) and associated controls situated within the Level 2 West Plant Area T222. Likewise, the instrument water is fed from a similar set up situated within the Level 2 West Plant Area T220 on the same storey. A source of cooling is also necessary for the focusing magnets and associated power supplies along the main proton beamline that leads to TS2 - known as the Extract Proton Beamline 2 or EPB2. The R6 Plant link room – situated in the corridor that links the R6 facility to R80 – houses the EPB2 Magnet Demin cooling water system and a separate power supplies Demin circuit. All the above ‘closed loop’ water circuits contain a ‘coarse’ grade cooling PHEx that uses the process water (PW) and a PHEx fed with chilled water (CHW) used to ‘trim’ each circuit Demin to the required Semin water supply temperature. Currently the process water circuit is a ‘closed circuit’ system comprising of 5 No Balticare (BAC) VX1-180-4+XB towers each rated at 800 kW. These towers are located on the R80 4th floor roof. Adjacent to the roof area leading to the first two towers is the R80 Chilled Water Plant room (Level 4 West plant room T410) which houses both the duty/standby process water pumps and 3 No TRANE 850 kW R134a charged RTHD C2 D5 E4 Chillers which are water cooled using the PW. Flow is maintained through the packaged chillers and primary loop header system by duty/standby chilled water pumps located within the Level 2 West plan room T222 together with the target circuit. Besides providing cooling to the different CHW PHExs mentioned above the chilled water system also provides substantial space cooling via Fan Coil Units (FCUs) situated in the R80 office; laboratories; server and control rooms. The water circuits were originally designed and installed by HADEN-YOUNG during the original construction phase of the R80 facility in 2006. Additional information: Additional information: We strongly recommend that you attend the Site Tour in order to gain complete clarity of our requirements. Please follow the instructions within the ITT.

Award Detail

1 Vistech Cooling Systems (Horsham)
  • UKRI-2253 R80 Tower Decommissioning and Adiabatic Cooler Design and Build
  • Reference: 035822-2022-ukri-2253-1
  • Value: £1,507,366

Award Criteria

price _

CPV Codes

  • 45331230 - Installation work of cooling equipment
  • 42500000 - Cooling and ventilation equipment

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. To view this notice, please click here: <a href="" target="_blank"> GO Reference: GO-20221219-PRO-21777802

