Expression of Interest - Cloud Hosted HR System
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year
- Value
- £0-£200K
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Dec 2022
- Delivery
- 30 Sep 2023 to 29 Sep 2027
- Deadline
- n/a
United Kingdom:

1 buyer
- Electoral Commission London
PLEASE NOTE: NO FORMAL TENDER RESPONSE IS REQUIRED AT THIS STAGE, EITHER AS A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL OR AS A PRICE SUBMISSION. PLEASE JUST CONFIRM INTEREST TO THE CUSTOMER CONTACT INDICATED Background - the Electoral Commission The Electoral Commission is an independent body set up by the UK Parliament in 2000. The Commission is independent of Government and political parties and is directly accountable to Parliament through a committee chaired by the Speaker of the House of Commons. There are currently 10 Electoral Commissioners, appointed by the Crown following a resolution of the House of Commons. The Commissioners have overall responsibility for the discharge of the Commission's functions as set out in legislation, principally the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act (PPERA) 2000. The Speaker's Committee has designated the Chief Executive as the accounting officer of the Commission who in turn is responsible for the propriety and regularity of expenditure, ensuring that proper accounting records are kept and that assets are safe guarded. The Chief Executive is supported in their role by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and, through a system of delegated budgetary control to directors and senior managers. The Commission is responsible for: • Registering political parties • Making sure people understand and follow the rules on party and election finance • Publishing details of where parties and candidates get money from and how they spend it • Setting the standards for electoral registration and running elections and reporting on how well this is done • Making sure people understand it is important to register to vote, and know how to vote • Running any referendums held in accordance with the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 2 SPECIFICATION 2.1 The specification section of this document sets out the high level requirements for cloud hosted HR System that the Commission wishes to purchase. a) To provide a cloud hosted HR system, with flexible user access through web browsers on computers, laptops and other mobile devices i) Hosted in UK (and back up sites also in UK) ii) Single sign on network access iii) User friendly dashboard for self-service enquiries/ reporting and visibility of tasks and approval requests iv) The system will need to be available in other languages including Welsh. Alternatively have the capability for a third party to have access in order to translate. v) Would need to be accessibility standard compliant. (WCAG 2.1aa) vi) Data Protection compliant b) HR System to have full integration to multiple modules i) Include Performance management, time management and Learning Management System (LMS) capabilities ii) Be able to connect with existing finance system iii) Knowledge warehouse of documentation for Systems owner iv) A Sandbox site c) HR i) Full employee lifecycle documentation - including onboarding letters and contracts ii) Manage monthly payrolls iii) Multiple annual leave entitlements iv) Pay structure v) Submit Overtime. vi) Work patterns vii) Manage establishment viii) Absence management - including sickness, annual leave, Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Parental, and the ability to Identify when people are off ix) Visual Organisational structure. d) L&D i) Schedule training requirements for all employees and any onboarding training ii) Extract reports based on any compulsory training not taken e) Performance Management i) Setting of objectives ii) Scheduling reviews iii) Manage 360 feedback process iv) Talent management f) Recruitment i) To management recruitment strategy. ii) When shortlisting, candidate self service - ie. once shortlisted, allow candidates to book their interviews with a link to the recruiting manager's calendar iii) Reports - including Time To Offer, Time To Hire, and how long campaigns have been open for iv) Ability to link directly to EC website (and internal website. HR Portal and website should be 'skinned' and have not discernible difference) and LinkedIn pages v) Restrict access to sensitive data, blind applications but can view candidate's political activity and criminal convictions vi) Interview/ Rejection communication vii) Links to onboarding process viii) Data Protection ix) Reject candidates in bulk g) Time Management Module i) Ability to manage timesheet and record TOIL ii) Manage flexi time (carrying forward time from previous month) h) Reporting i) Self service reports available to employees and line managers ii) Flexible and intuitive reporting suite included in software producing meaningful management information without the need for manual adjustment iii) Standard reporting available at several levels: consolidation of multiple companies, directorate,; budget holder, cost centre, and project. iv) Reporting on who has attended training, Overtime, etc v) Ability to extract reports in multiple formats i) To identify opportunities to reduce duplication of effort by interfacing with other Commission systems including (but not limited to): i) Sharepoint Intranet; ii) Finance/payroll and project management systems; and iii) Procurement portal. iv) Send reminders to staff to complete timesheets. 2.2 300 users: 2.3 Current HR/ Recruitment system/ Supplier: Ciphr HR/ iRecruit 2.4 Indicative annual budget range - £50k to £60k 2.5 It is anticipated that the new system will go live from September 2023 2.6 The expected contract will be for a period of 4 years with an option to extend. 3. INDICATIVE EVALUATION CRITERIA 3.1 Any resultant tenders will be evaluated using the following criteria: Quality 70% and Price 30% 3.2
CPV Codes
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Other Information
Please note that the above criteria is subject to change during the development of the Invitation to Tender. 4. RIGHT TO CANCEL OR VARY THIS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 4.1 The Authority reserves the right to: 4.1.1 Cancel all or part of this EOI at any stage and at any time; and 4.1.2 Amend, clarify, add to or withdraw all or any part of the EOI at any time. 5. EOI CUSTOMER CONTACT Name: Paul Stringer, Senior Procurement Adviser Telephone Number: 0207 7271 0698 Email Address: ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **
- ocds-h6vhtk-039269
- FTS 035841-2022