WCC Virtual Schools
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year (est.)
- Value
- £286K
- Sector
- Published
- 03 Jan 2023
- Delivery
- To 13 Dec 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
- Warwickshire County Council Warwick
1 supplier
- Welfare Call Barnsley
Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking one or more suppliers to provide software to capture attendance monitoring and PEP creation and manipulation. The Council require providers to capture data that can be easily filtered to use in reporting. This procurement is lotted into two lots. Each lot will be evaluated individually. Lot 1 - Attendance monitoring Lot 2 - PEPs Applicants can apply for one or both lots.
Lot Division
1 | Attendance Monitoring Warwickshire County Council ('WCC' will be used throughout) are looking to procure software that collects 'live', twice daily attendance marks (morning and afternoon when registers close) for all statutory school age looked-after children in the care of Warwickshire, to enable the Virtual School team to respond appropriately to absences, suspensions and other attendance coding concerns to ensure prompt intervention and support. WCC currently have approximately 600 looked-after children from reception to Year 11. Most attend schools/settings in Warwickshire but a significant proportion are educated in other local authority areas. The school attendance and absence notification system will need to collect data from all schools/settings the children attend. Award Criteria
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2 | Personal Education plans Warwickshire County Council ('WCC' to be used throughout) are looking to procure software which reviews and records PEPs (Personal Education Plans) for all looked-after children in the care of Warwickshire. WCC currently have approximately 750 looked-after children from age two to their 18th birthday, who must have a termly PEP review. Virtual School need the ability to design different PEPs for different cohorts of looked-after children, spanning the academic years. Designated teachers and other school staff, social workers and foster carers require access to the PEPs to capture, edit and retrieve children's current attainment, progress, intervention, targets, Pupil Premium Plus spend, and other related education information contained within the PEPs. The WCC Virtual School team quality assures and sign off all PEPs. Data reports are required according to user requirements, allowing the VSH to report to stakeholders. This is discussed in more detail within the requirement section. Award Criteria
Award Detail
1 | Welfare Call (Barnsley)
Renewal Options
The term of the contract will be for an initial 2 years and the council have the option to extend for a further 24 months at its sole discretion During the course of the contract period the range and scope of these services may be subject to modification and variation to meet the changing needs and requirements of the Council, potential changes in legislation and the changing demands placed on the Council by its customers
CPV Codes
- 75121000 - Administrative educational services
- 31711310 - System for recording attendance
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price.
- FTS 000011-2023