Specialist Secondary Care Dental Services : Lot 1 Orthodontic Level 3b Service - Insourced framework

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
1 month
15 Jan 2023
01 Mar 2023 to 31 Mar 2023
10 Feb 2023 12:00



Birmingham Dental School and School of Dentistry 5 Mill Pool Way Edgbaston Birmingham B5 7EG

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


In order to assist with decreasing waiting lists the BSOL Procurement Collaborative, a shared procurement service hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Authority is seeking to award on behalf of Birmingham Community Healthcare to undertake and award suppliers to a framework covering Insourced Specialist Secondary Care Dental Service Trust. This specific advert covers Level 3b Orthodontic Dental Service The Collaborative is inviting suitably qualified and experienced Bidders to submit bids for an Insourced Framework Agreement to deliver Level 3b Orthodontic Dental Services through a sub-contract agreement with the Birmingham Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry. The location from which all work will be undertaken is the Birmingham Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry, Millpool Way , Edgbaston , Birmingham B5 7EG The procedure will be undertaken using the Light Touch Regime (LTR), the rules of which are set out in Regulations 74-76 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The scope of service for any future framework Lots or the opening up of a Lot will to be confirmed and advertised through Find a Tender and Contracts Finder Notices with the corresponding documents also published The insourced provision is an end to end consistent pathway of treatment for the patient and is crucial this is undertaken by the same Provider (Dentist) over a period of months or years as required As this is an insourced service the contract will not be subject to the provisions of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment (TUPE) Regulations 2006 and subsequent amendments of 2014 The commencement date for the framework and subsequent service undertaken by suppliers is 1st March 2023 . The Framework period will be for 3 years ( to 31.3.26) with the option to extend for a further period of up to 12 months Persons performing the service must 1.must be included on the primary care Dental Performer's list for managing Level 3 patients 2.be registered on the General Dental Council (GDC) specialist list for Orthodontics or, 3.be accredited to undertake Orthodontics work at the competency Level 3b or a demonstrable experience in Orthodontic care provision

Total Quantity or Scope

Scope of Services 1.Orthodontics is the dental speciality concerned with facial growth, development of the dentition and occlusion, plus the assessment, diagnosis, interception and treatment of malocclusions and facial irregularities 2.Orthodontic care includes the provision of advice and education for patients, parents and other health-care professionals. It includes monitoring the development of teeth and providing interceptive measures, with appliances, where appropriate 3.The majority of Orthodontic work is carried out with removable and fixed appliances when all the deciduous teeth have been lost. 4.The overall aim is to provide equitable, accessible, high quality and cost-effective Consultant-led orthodontic services in line with the NHS England National Guide for Commissioning Orthodontics, 2015 ('the Commissioning Guide') 5.The service is aimed at those patients who require orthodontic procedures, defined in this Service Specification that are not expected to be within the remit of general dental practitioners or Specialist Orthodontic services 6.The Supplier must treat all eligible patients and not discriminate in any manner contrary to the relevant regulations 7.There are no geographical boundaries 8.The patient must be under regular continuing care of a General Dental Practitioner 9.The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) is a clinical assessment of malocclusion severity utilised within the NHS to select those individuals who would benefit most from Orthodontic treatment. The supplier will provide a service to patients who cannot be treated in primary care. Orthodontic Service Provision will cover As per the 2015 Commissioning guide suppliers must be able to undertake all the following dental elements: 1.Patients with clefts of the lip and/or palate or craniofacial syndromes 2.Patients with significant skeletal discrepancies requiring combined orthodontics and orthognathic surgery 3.Patients who require orthodontics and complex oral surgery input (for example, multiple impacted teeth) 4.Patients with complex restorative problems requiring secondary care input in a multidisciplinary environment. 5.Patients with complex medical issues, including psychological concerns, which require close liaison with medical personnel locally. 6.Patients with medical, developmental or social problems who would not be considered suitable for treatment in specialist practice. 7.Complex orthodontic cases not considered suitable for management in specialist practice; and 8.Referrals where advice or a second opinion is required from secondary care Payment of services will be in line and not exceed with the national tariff pricing structure hence the 0% weighting

Renewal Options

There is an optional 12 month extension beyond 31.3.2026

Award Criteria

Quality 100
price 0

CPV Codes

  • 85131100 - Orthodontic services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.
  • Technical restrictions apply.

Other Information

Further details are provided for within the tender documents Potential bidders ( if not already ) must register on the Proactis portal should they wish to access the tender documents and submit a bid as no documents will e sent directly to potential suppliers. The portal is : https://procontract.due-north.com/register ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

