Rail Track Maintenance Support Programme

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
16 Jan 2023
20 Mar 2023 to 20 Mar 2026
10 Feb 2023 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Birmingham Metropolitan College has established a Rail Academy which is built up of two qualifications which come together to provide learners with the necessary skills to be able to carry out track maintenance within the rail sector: Rail Engineering Track Maintenance - this qualification involves the skills and knowledge needed for working in railway engineering track maintenance. NVQs are based on national occupational standards, which the learner must meet to be competent in a particular task. The achievement of NVQs will develop their skills and potential within the railway engineering track maintenance field. Rail Engineering Underpinning Knowledge - this qualifications purpose is to provide candidates with sufficient knowledge, understanding and practical skills to introduce them to the industry and prepare them to undertake the NVQ. Some of the top areas covered are Railway Civil Engineering, Track Engineering, Track Engineering Maintenance, Railway infrastructure - Overhead Line Equipment Construction, Railway infrastructure - Function and characteristics of railway signalling systems and Railway signalling systems testing and maintenance. To support its provision. BMet is looking for an organisation to support its delivery by providing and organising for its learners: Drug and Alcohol Testing and General Medicals Employment outcome Sponsorship E- Learning in advance of Personal Track Safety assessments Personal Track Safety assessments Interested organisations are invited to submit a response to its request for quotations referred to below using the Quotation form referred to below and submitting a completed PQQ and Due Diligence Form also provided below.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Quotation Form- one of the two documents to be competed by organisations wishing to make a submission Quotation Form -Rail Copy.docx Subcontracting PQQ and Due Diligence Form - the second of two documents to be completed by organsations wishing to make a submission Subcontracting_PQQ_Due_Diligence_tender_V1.0_07.2022 - Copy.docx Request for Quotation- details about Birmingham Metropolitan College, its educational offer to learners wishing to gain employment in the rail industry and request for support in delivering aspects of its learning programme Rail Track Maintenance Programme Request for Quotation .docx

