CCRC - Behavioural Study to develop and focus service adjustments and social marketing approach from a specific sector

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1.5 month
26 Jan 2023
13 Feb 2023 to 31 Mar 2023
08 Feb 2023 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The CCRC is looking to engage a market research partner for a short term engagement looking at how best to engage individuals who have been been through the Criminal Justice System at Magistrates Court level, and may have been a victim of a miscarriage of justice. The objective of the research is: • To understand the key barriers and motivators that are impacting on the target audiences applying to the CCRC. • Identify which behavioural levers are the most effective at engaging with the target audiences. • To identify trusted agents in this area and how the CCRC could potentially utilise the communication and engagement channels of these stakeholders effectively. • To identify campaign/engagement approaches that utilise trusted voices, social and traditional media channels, messages, images and tone of voice that resonate with the various target audiences. • To review whether the current information for applicants is effective in guiding potential applicants from the target audience. The research methodology and expected outputs As we expect the target audiences to be difficult to recruit and interview, we anticipate the use of a mix-methods form of research. We also expect that, because of the sensitivity of the topics under discussion, focus groups will not be used for this commission. The bidder should look for innovative ways to recruit and engage with target audiences. The bidder will be expected to provide details on how they will achieve the following work items: • A direct recruitment strategy to recruit people from the target audience. • A recruitment strategy that covers how they will engage with potential partners and stakeholders to make contact with the target audiences. • Topic guides will need to be produced and agreed with the CCRC for the primary research. • A communication and engagement strategy that clearly demonstrates how the CCRC can engage with the key target audiences including some examples of potential engagement materials. • To review the current application information in light of the findings of the research and make proposals that would maximise the effectiveness of applicant information for the target population. Timescales and planning Tenders need to be returned by 5.00pm Wednesday 8th February, successful bidders will be notified by Friday 10th February. The CCRC expects the work to be carried out before end of March 2023, with primary research taking place over the first month and analysis, feedback and production of materials taking place over the final 2 weeks . The bidder should produce a detailed plan of how the work will be managed over this period, including a risk assessment and mitigation strategy. Budget A maximum budget of £50,000 (inclusive of VAT) has been allocated for this commission. Tenders will be scored against three criteria: • Methodology - 40% • Deliverables - 40% • Value - 20%

CPV Codes

  • 79310000 - Market research services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Service spec - Mags cases.docx

