Custodial Healthcare (Pre Market Engagement)

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
01 Feb 2023
not specified



Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of Thames Valley Police’s (TVP’s), (the Authority’s), intention to recommission Custodial Healthcare Services in 2024. The Authority would like to understand the level & range of service provider interest in delivering these services and is seeking providers who have the capability and capacity to deliver a resilient service.

Total Quantity or Scope

The service shall provide fully qualified, trained & competent Healthcare Professionals embedded 24/7/365(6) in the 6 main Custody Suites in the TVP area to assess, treat & signpost Detained Persons (DPs) to ensure fitness for detention, interview, charging, with full live Clinical Oversight & consideration of a multi skilled workforce to assist in across the Force & in particular the South of the Force. (Note; there is additional pressure in Loddon Valley & Maidenhead that may require additional support). The service needs to be reactive to short notice operational needs as well as proactive to longer term strategies. The ever evolving operational & custody requirements need to fully integrate with NHS (L&D), Social Care & Voluntary Sector providers of health & social support, creating & managing interconnected relationships & pathways with a view to reducing the ‘revolving door’ effect around the reasons for committing crimes. This will be in conjunction with regular reporting & the subsequent meeting of a number of stringent key performance indicators. Interactive training scenarios involving the Authority &/or other organisations would be welcomed. The Police custody suites are located; o Berkshire (Maidenhead & Reading) o Buckinghamshire (Aylesbury & Milton Keynes) o Oxfordshire (Abingdon & Banbury) o Newbury – Retained for Operational Contingency The services within scope, include PACE compliant core Custodial Healthcare provision, primarily, Custody DP Healthcare management, the provision of medical & forensic examinations, treatment for minor medical injuries, fitness assessments prior to interview, charging, bailing, court appearance &/or release, live clinical oversight, crisis support, management of substance misuse & onward referral services for people who have been DPs. In addition but not limited to the core provision; a) Holistic Healthcare Services; (General Healthcare prior to & following any forensic work) b) Forensic sampling following a healthcare assessment relevant for that purpose c) Call Centre & email facilities (or other mutually agreed contact mechanisms) through which the Authority can ask for forensic medical & healthcare services. The re-tendering exercise will aim to increase equity of access & ensure a consistent, resilient & high standard of quality care to DPs. The service will delivered in line with current national standards, guidance, NHSE specification & best practice, & at the same time meet the local needs of each Custody Suite/Force area, planned & Ad hoc operational requirements. The Provider will ensure that the service is delivered in an age-appropriate way for children & adults & vulnerable persons; all staff must meet the skills & competences commensurate with the role they are performing. The service should consider PACE, Safeguarding, SAFER, Health & Forensic requirements with equal priority. The Custodial Healthcare provider/s will work closely with L&D providers & other support services within the custody Suite & ensure service users are referred to appropriate onward provision as necessary. The Authority are looking to establish what interest there might be in providing such a service from suitably qualified, capable & competent organisations. The purpose of this PIN is an information gathering exercise, rather than a call for competition at this stage to alert & gauge the market, obtain a better understanding of the current market capabilities/capacity/resilience/innovation/technological advances & provide a conduit for potential providers to express an interest & be involved in pre-tender engagement events.

CPV Codes

  • 85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
  • 75122000 - Administrative healthcare services
  • 79624000 - Supply services of nursing personnel
  • 79625000 - Supply services of medical personnel
  • 75241100 - Police services


Other Information

Please express an interest via EU Supply & submit the market engagement questionnaire by Monday 27th February 2023 at 11:00am. The submissions will be used to facilitate the 1:1 discussions. Publication or response does not commit the Authority or respondents to a future procurement, nor provide any process exemptions or preferential treatment to any parties expressing an interest. The Authority will not be liable for costs incurred by any interested party in participating in this exercise. Interested parties should note that a response to this notice does not guarantee an automatic invitation to any subsequent formal procurement, which the Authority will consider in due course. The Tender process & contract validity is to be determined. All correspondence must be via the EU Supply system. All correspondence must be in UK English.

