Keystone Developments (LG) Limited Professional Services and Consultancy Framework 2023 for new build residential, new build extra care and refurbishment projects

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
4 year
03 Feb 2023
22 May 2023 to 21 May 2027
06 Mar 2023 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Keystone Developments (LG) Limited invites tenders from suitably experienced organisations who can demonstrate knowledge, skill and innovation in delivering professional consultancy services to support the Consortium members new build and extra care housing development and development refurbishment projects. The works are in relation to the Consortium members current and future development project. Works will be delivered under a Framework Agreement for a maximum of 4 years: which will run for an initial period of 4 years. The Blue Skies Consortium members who may use this Framework are as follows:- Longhurst Group Limited Nottingham Community Housing Association Limited Tuntum Housing Association Limited Lace Housing Limited Norton Housing and Support YMCA Derbyshire Lincolnshire Housing Partnership Lincolnshire Y.M.C.A. Limited Framework Housing Association Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association Limited YMCA Robin Hood Group Our requirement is split into development type and service disciplines Lots as detailed below; Lot 1 - Architect New Build Residential Lot 2 - Architect New Build Extra Care Lot 3 - Architect Refurbishment Projects Lot 4 - Employers Agent New Build Residential Lot 5 - Employers Agent New Build Extra Care Lot 6 - Employers Agent Refurbishment Projects Lot 7 - Principal Designer New Build Residential Lot 8 - Principal Designer New Build Extra Care Lot 9 - Principal Designer Refurbishment Projects Lot 10 - Clerk of Works New Build Residential Lot 11 - Clerk of Works New Build Extra Care Lot 12 - Clerk of Works Refurbishment Projects Lot 13 - Civil & Structural Engineers New Build Residential Lot 14 - Civil & Structural Engineers New Build Extra Care Lot 15 - Civil & Structural Engineers Refurbishment Projects Lot 16 - Affordable Housing Project Manager Lot 17 - Affordable Housing Project Manager New Build Extra Care Lot 18 - Affordable Housing Project Manager Refurbishment Projects Lot 19 - Planning Consultant Lot 20 - SAP/EPC Assessor Lot 21 - Ground Investigation Services Tenderers will be required to indicate on each Lot tender submission which geographical regions they wish to Tender for. The geographical regions for this procurement are as follows:- Region 1 - Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire (inc North & North East Lincolnshire), Derbyshire & South Yorkshire Region 2 - Leicestershire, Rutland, Warwickshire (inc City of Birmingham) & Staffordshire Region 3 - Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire & Norfolk For Lots 1-18 The project types are split into the following value bandings:- New Build Residential:- Up to £1M £1M to £5M £5M to £10M Over £10M New Build Extra Care:- Up to £5M Over £5M Refurbishment Projects:- Up to £5M Over £5M Tenderers will be required to submit a price submission for all value bandings for each lot that they wish to tender for. For Lots 19, 20 & 21 which are single discipline Lots one total price is required

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information


