Prevention and Protection Project

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
07 Feb 2023
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


This procurement seeks to implement a solution that will deliver an integrated and consistent approach to recording information and interactions with people and premises throughout Berkshire, to provide a more accessible and inclusive service to our customers across our prevention and protection services.

Total Quantity or Scope

Royal Berkshire Fire Authority (RBFRA) / Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service (RBFRS) provide prevention and protection services to the people who live and work in the Royal County of Berkshire which includes the following elements: • Community Safety (Prevention) • Business Fire Safety (Protection) • Operational Planning • Operational Response Each area collects a variety of information and currently not all: 1. Of this information is available in a format that is quick and easy to access. 2. Is easily cross referenced/connected to enable the best use of information 3. Is intuitive as it is used through a number of different systems which contain information that could be used in a more proactive/productive way to supplement other departments’ e.g. operational crews attending an incident. The sharing of premises and people based information can be difficult to provide a more co-ordinated and person centred service to our customers. Our current system was built in-house for Fire Safety and Incident Data, and has grown exponentially over the years to hold a vast amount of data and information. Our current systems are currently hosted and supported in-house. This Prior Information Notice is to inform the market that RBFRA/RBFRS are planning to undertake a procurement process to implement a solution that will meet the aims of the project as per the Problem Statement attached. The Authority plans to hold a supplier engagement event to present a more detailed overview of our project aims and objectives and to seek industry expertise and feedback. The event is scheduled to take place on the 27th Feb 2023 starting at 10am with an initial RBFRS presentation for 30/60 mins and further timings to follow. We may run over 2 days depending on interest on the 24th February 2023 or 3rd March 2023. Full details of the event and all associated communications shall be managed using the RBFA/RBFRS Business Portal and any interested suppliers are encouraged to register on the Portal to ensure that they are notified of any updates.

CPV Codes

  • 72222300 - Information technology services
  • 72223000 - Information technology requirements review services
  • 72322000 - Data management services
  • 75251110 - Fire-prevention services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

