Lambeth Sites Travel Plan Online Resource

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
08 Feb 2023
01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2026
01 Mar 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Lambeth Council are seeking a supplier to provide a software package to support site specific Travel Plans (TPs). A Travel Plan is a strategy for travel behaviour change that can be applied to any setting (Education, Business, Community), that includes the evidence and rationale to secure commitment and funding to support the promotion of sustainable and active travel. The software and associated support must include, but is not limited to; 1, A robust, easy to use and accessible online tool able to: • Create and develop Travel Plan documents • Monitor and evaluate Travel Plans and the initiatives contained within them • Recognise and reward excellence in the promotion of sustainable and active travel • Create and collate Travel Surveys different site uses. 2, To have the online facility to update, analyse, store and upload evidence that the following TP activities have been/are being actioned: a, Site - an audit of facilities b, Travel and Transport - A summary of the transport scenario and issues that need to be addressed by the Travel Plan c, Aims and Objectives - Details of what the Travel Plan sets out to achieve d, Targets - Specific targets that the Travel Plan will be measured against e, Action Plan - A detailed overview of the activities that will be undertaken f, Monitoring - How success of the Travel Plan will be measured 3, To have the online facility to allow site co-ordinators to survey users of the site to gain insight into travel patterns. This facility should be able to allow many users access concurrently. The facility must collate survey results for each site and present findings and/or update the Travel Plan for that site. 4, To have an excellent and swiftly responsive Admin/Customer Service available to both Site users and LBL TP monitoring staff during working hours. 5, To offer workshops, either site based or online to all users of the site, in order to maximise results from its usage and encourage usage by all interactions being of a positive nature. 6, To offer the facility for Lambeth officers and site developers to construct TPs in order to add a revenue stream. 7, To provide detailed monthly reports on all services. It should be noted that these services will only be required as funding is available. Payments will be made in advance annually. A GDPR compliant exit strategy of how to pass over all data should be included.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

By submitting a tender I acknowledge and agree to the below the statements: • I have read and understood Lambeth's procurement guidance for suppliers, "Selling to the Council" • I accept the Lambeth Terms and Conditions • If I am selected to provide the above services and/or supplies this form and the information on it will form part of my contract with the London Borough of Lambeth • If I am selected to provide the above services and/or supplies and am not already set up as a supplier on the Lambeth system I will comply with Lambeth's Supplier Set-up procedures through iSupplier which includes the provision of a completed Supplier Self Certification form and Bank details on headed paper. • Lambeth is under no obligation to accept the final results of the quotation competition or the lowest price for any particular item submitted by a supplier • Non-delivery of services or products will result in non-payment by Lambeth Council • False representation could result in de-selection from any competition or termination of contract • It is a criminal offence to give or offer any gift or consideration whatsoever as an inducement or reward to any servant of a public body. I understand that any such action will empower Lambeth Council to cancel any contract or commission currently in force and may result in my exclusion from future work • Lambeth has the right to use this information for the prevention and detection of fraud Travel Plans Online Resource Evaluation Criteria.docx

