1 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
2 | Ards and North Down Borough Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
3 | Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Montioring | 10 | price | 80 | |
4 | Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
5 | Derry City and Strabane District Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
6 | Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
7 | Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
8 | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
9 | Mid Ulster District Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
10 | Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
11 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
12 | Ards and North Down Borough Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
13 | Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
14 | Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
15 | Derry City and Strabane District Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
16 | Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
17 | Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
18 | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performanc eMonitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
19 | Mid Ulster District Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |
20 | Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Non-Half Hourly Sites Award Criteria Implementation Plan | 10 | Contract Management and Performance Monitoring | 10 | price | 80 | |