Defence Equipment Engineering Assets Management Systems (DEEAMS) CF

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
10.5 year
08 Mar 2023
18 Jun 2024 to 18 Dec 2034
17 Apr 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


MOD intends to competitively award a contract to deliver the Defence Equipment Engineering and Asset Management System (DEEAMS) capability.DEEAMS will deliver the core technical solution for pan-Defence Engineering Through Life Support (ETLS). DEEAMS is the first of 5 Enterprise Wide Support Services (EWSS) which are part of the Business Modernisation for Support (BMfS) transformational programme. Whilst DEEAMS is intended to operate as a self-standing solution, the Authority reserves the right to utilise elements of the DEEAMS solution product set and the technology platform which is procured as part of the DEEAMS solution in the wider BMfS context for reasons of ease of business process, interfacing, compatibility and integration. Any such additional use would be an optional extension of scope under this DEEAMS procurement. The Authority's expectation is that, should it exercise such optional extension, it will nonetheless require one or more third party suppliers to deliver the development, configuration, integration and support of each of the impacted wider BMfS solutions, and the selection of such supplier(s) will be subject to separate subsequent procurement exercise(s).DEEAMS will cohere Defence ETLS into one solution underpinned by Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) product(s) which delivers the best-in-class commercial sector business processes. The DEEAMS System Integrator (SI) will be responsible for determining the best COTS fit and software delivery model including any associated configuration activity, as well as a basic training solution, and lead on the migration and integration and support the BMfS Business Change team.MOD will consider licensing, support and hosting models for the COTS software which both meet its stated requirements and offer VfM. This may include a perpetual licensing model or another delivery model such as Software as a Service. DEEAMS will manage data at both Official Sensitive and Secret classifications. Work on Secret elements of the project will need to comply with JSP440 and exclusively performed by UK Nationals holding SC clearance. The DEEAMS requirement includes the environments Defence operates in, where engineering maintenance tasks will be conducted during planned and unplanned disconnection from core services. Disconnection can be for extended periods of time. Further details of the requirement are provided in the DEEAMS PQQ briefing pack available from the MOD Opportunity Listing on the Defence Sourcing Portal (see link elsewhere in this notice.

CPV Codes

  • 48430000 - Inventory management software package
  • 48610000 - Database systems
  • 48612000 - Database-management system
  • 72320000 - Database services

Other Information

DEEAMS will manage data at both Official Sensitive and Secret classifications. Work on Secret elements of the project will need to be undertaken in accordance with JSP440 and performed exclusively by UK Nationals holding SC clearance.The DEEAMS requirement includes the environments Defence operates in, where engineering maintenance tasks will be conducted during planned and unplanned disconnection from core services. Disconnection can be for extended periods of time. Further details of the requirement are provided in the DEEAMS PQQ briefing pack. MOD intends to utilise a Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) methodology to award the contract. This will be detailed in the ITN and use an evidenced based process and be agnostic of how the SI bidders opt to meet the COTS approach. The 6 highest scoring compliant suppliers at the PQQ stage will receive the Invitation to Negotiate (ITN). MOD intends to use a three phase evaluation process including Demonstrations and Validation visits and further details are contained in the PQQ Pack. MOD reserves the right not to proceed with the negotiation phase of the tendering process and proceed directly to contract award with the tenderer who submits the best compliant tender in accordance with the published award criteria. MOD reserves the right to cancel the competition at any stage with no liability for tenderer costs and expenses. The Cyber Risk Profile for this requirement identified by the Cyber Risk Assessment is HIGH (Reference - 167689281). Please see DEFSTAN 05/138 for further information on Cyber Security and the Risk Profiles. You may express your interest in this requirement by completing the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) found at the DEEAMS project Opportunities Notice by 17 April 2023. A link to this is provided elsewhere in the notice. Defence Equipment Engineering Assets Management Systems (DEEAMS)

