Market Engagement Event for NHS Mid and South Essex ICB - Mental Health Sanctuaries Service
A Pipeline Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Potential Contract ()
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- £6M
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Mar 2023
- Delivery
- 01 Oct 2023 to 30 Sep 2028
- Deadline
- 01 Jan 1 00:00
1 buyer
- Attain Basildon
NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (MSE ICB) (herein will be referred to as "the Authority") seeks to engage with suitably qualified providers and interested suppliers for this Mental Health Sanctuaries Service on Friday 17th March 2023 at 10:00hrs. This notice is to communicate that the Authority will hold a market event and does not constitute a call to completion. The NHS Long Term Plan is committed to improving the access to mental health services and the Mental Health Crisis Sanctuaries Services. The MSE Mental Health Crisis Sanctuaries are part of the ICS and Care Service and a component of the wider ICS Urgent and Emergency Care Mental Health Programme and will specifically need to evidence meeting two of the Crisis Concordat objectives namely Urgent and Emergency Care and Quality of Treatment and Care when in Crisis. The Crisis Sanctuary aims to provide a non-clinical safe space to support people in crisis across the three geographical areas between 10am-1am 7 days a week where people can access a 1:1 support or outreach and to increase alternative forms of provision for those deemed in crisis providing a more suitable alternative to A&E for many people experiencing Mental Health crisis. Usually for people whose needs are escalating to a crisis point or who are experiencing a crisis but do not necessarily have medical needs that requires A&E admission. The Sanctuaries are required to have strong links with other community providers and other services both commissioned by the MSE ICS and Local Authorities and those provided independently. They will be required to form links with drug and alcohol services, learning disability services, housing providers and community-based resources, and to arrange and support onward referrals as required.
CPV Codes
- 85323000 - Community health services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
The current service contract will expire this year and the Authority intends to procure the service via an Open "one-stage" process, which will be advertised separately once the opportunity is live via Contracts Finder and Find a Tender Services. The Authority seeks to appoint a Lead Provider model including the option of consortium bidding. The Authority intends to engage with the market, interested and qualified providers it's expectation of the service moving forward and the details of the procurement, including timelines. The market engagement event will be held virtually as a webinar and broadcast via Microsoft (MS) Teams. The format of the event will be a presentation from the commissioners followed by a Q&A. All organisations wishing to attend the event must complete, and return a Booking Form via Attain's the eProcurement portal ( via Current Opportunities (Ref " sq_85 - Market Engagement Event for NHS Mid and South Essex ICB - Mental Health Sanctuaries Service") by no later than 17:30hrs Thursday 16th March 2023. Please Note: Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken by potential Bidders prior to any subsequent procurement is a matter solely for their own commercial judgement. The commissioners reserve the right to withdraw from the process at any time or to not tender the service or to tender on a different basis. In such circumstances, and in any event, the commissioners and / or their advisors shall not be liable for any costs or loss of expenses whatsoever incurred by any organisation, agent or subsidiary that may have contributed to any proposals submitted to this notice. Please Note that inability in attend this market engagement event will not impact any organisation's ability to tender for this opportunity in the future. All organisations wishing to attend the event must complete, and return a Booking Form via Attain's the eProcurement portal ( via Current Opportunities (Ref " sq_85 - Market Engagement Event for NHS Mid and South Essex ICB - Mental Health Sanctuaries Service" by no later than 17:30hrs Thursday 16th March 2023. E-procurement portal website: n/a 6. Document 6 Attain eProcurement Portal - Supplier Guide Final.pptx
- tender_358481/1189553
- CF a6885ae4-6115-4977-bfae-029654962438