Preferred supplier list for "Pool of reviewers" supporting the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
5 year
24 Mar 2023
01 Jun 2023 to 31 Mar 2028



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Department for Education
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (the Panel) is an independent expert advisory panel with oversight of how the child safeguarding system learns from serious incidents. The Panel is responsible for commissioning, supervising and publishing national reviews of serious child safeguarding incidents it considers are complex or of national importance and will lead to national learning. The Panel is supported by an important "pool of reviewers" providing expertise and capacity to undertake reviews and help the system learn from serious incidents . As the current pool arrangement ends in Spring 2023, we, on the Panel's behalf, wish to appoint a new "pool" preferred supplier list (PSL), to be in place up to March 2028. In summary, we are looking for the pool of reviewers to provide the following services/functions: Undertaking reviews and thematic analysis of cases or issues in child safeguarding which are complex or of national importance. Providing specialist expertise in areas of child safeguarding which can be drawn on to support the Panel's work. Working with the Panel's data service support the Panel's work. Acting as an advisor to Safeguarding Partners as they undertake local safeguarding practice reviews as part of the Panel's pilot for learning support. All pool members will need an in-depth knowledge and understanding of child safeguarding, including multi and inter-agency working in child safeguarding. This workshop aims to: Provide information about the proposed PSL and how it will work.

Total Quantity or Scope

YEAR: 2023/2024; BUDGET: 500,000.00 YEAR: 2024/2025; BUDGET: 560,000.00 YEAR: 2025/2026; BUDGET: 560,000.00 YEAR: 2026/2027; BUDGET: 560,000.00 YEAR: 2027/2028; BUDGET: 560,000.00

CPV Codes

  • 85300000 - Social work and related services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Set out how we have responded to feedback from the pool to ensure it works effectively for suppliers as well as the Panel. Give potential suppliers an opportunity to ask questions The workshop will take via MS teams as per the below: 31st March 2023 - 10:00 - 11:30 To attend the event, please register by 10am on 30th March 2023 at the following link ( to attend the event by details) This notice does not constitute a call for competition to procure any services for the Department. The procurement of any services will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The purpose of this PIN is to stimulate early market interest and invite interested parties to take part in market consultations.

