COV - CVLR Dudley TP2A Construction

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Works)
not specified
24 Mar 2023
not specified



Coventry: Dudley

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Coventry City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Coventry Very Light Rail project is an endeavour to develop a new and novel urban mass transit system that provides the benefits of Light rail systems (tram). These benefits being: • Permanence of infrastructure, • Low environmental impact, • High quality ride and accessibility. Whilst addressing the major disbenefits of: • Expense to install • Expense to operate, • Disruption to businesses and the operation of the city during construction, • Visual impact, catenary etc.

Total Quantity or Scope

CVLR is designed to provide the backbone of an integrated public transport system linking together heavy rail, with flexible electric bus services and last mile options such as micro mobility and on demand services. The objective of this system is to encourage modal shift from the car, improving air quality, reducing congestion, attracting inward investment, and improving connectivity between communities, health care, employment, education, and retail. In order to achieve this ambition, Coventry City Council need to develop a test construction site of the track system. This is to measure and analyse the vibration impacts and track performance under the loading produced by CVLR vehicle. This PIN is to enable an expression of interest of parties that may wish to tender for the construction activity associated with this test site. A PIN is being issued as we will require any interested party with credible civils construction, ground works and rail installation experience to sign non-disclosure agreements prior to receiving full construction information for the purposes of tendering. The construction will require in summary: • Cutting and removal of rail for re-use • Relocation of current rail bed ballast. • Installation of Type 1 road construction base • Installation of slabs • Installation, welding and setting of rails • Concrete / grout works • Asphalting and sealing. The construction will be approximately 60m long and will be on the VLRNIC (Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre) site in Dudley. The intended construction currently planned for July/August (subject to change). There will be a 2 month stand down period after construction of the track form assembly prior to asphalting and finishing to allow for trials. Bespoke materials will be provided free of charge i.e. slabs, Pandrol fittings, rail boot etc. This project will require collaboration with other parties such as structural health monitoring organisation, Warwick Manufacturing Group, Coventry City Council, Ingerop (Principal Designer) and the BCIMO. The construction partner being procured through this action will be the Principal Contractor with CCC as the Employer and WMG acting as Employer's representative. The project is intended to be a collaborative process and therefore CCC will be using an unamended NEC 3 EEC option E contract format with z clauses associated with (but not limited to) intellectual property as the basis of the contract. The PIN will be live for 35 days as per the procurement regulations. Interested parties will then be required to sign an NDA. Prior to submitting tenders CCC intend to arrange an engagement session to outline the project in detail (this could be subject to change to an alternative arrangement). This will then result in a single stage tender and award process. Additional information: A summary report of the requirement is available free of charge via Please register and express an interest in project COV-15816. If interested in tendering for this opportunity, contractors are to confirm through the correspondence function on, following which an NDA will be issued for signature.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45234000 - Construction work for railways and cable transport systems

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

