Children’s Community Health Services

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
30 Mar 2023
not specified



Surrey, East and West Sussex:

Geochart for 4 buyers and 0 suppliers


Surrey Heartlands ICB, Surrey County Council, Frimley ICB and NHS England are seeking to secure a model of care for children’s community health services across Surrey (and North East Hampshire as per individual service specifications). These community services focus on prevention of ill health, advising on child development and providing targeted and specialist medical, nursing, immunisation or therapy services when needed (for example because a child has a developmental delay, disability, or significant health difficulties). Safeguarding and early intervention are central to this. Commissioning organisations would like to hear from organisations who have the experience, capability and capacity to deliver the ambition laid out in this PIN notice. This is not an invitation to tender. The commissioning organisations warmly invite you to take part in market engagement activities for potential and existing providers of Children’s Community Health provision to support us in defining the scope of services and to test our aspirations. Interested organisations are invited to review and respond to the questions included in this PIN and are also invited to register to attend virtual 1:1 Provider Sessions where the commissioning organisations will outline our plans for the procurement and contract for the provision of children community health services. The Children’s Community Health Services will be commissioned via a joint NHS contract: NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB (SHICB) are the Awarding Authority for these services, on behalf of itself and Commissioners as listed below: 1.NHS Frimley ICB 2.Surrey County Council 3.NHS England Surrey County Council will be leading the procurement process on behalf of itself, Surrey Heartlands ICB, Frimley ICB and NHS England. We will be contracting a standard NHS contract, with standard terms and conditions. Children’s Community Health Services in Surrey comprise a wide range of community-based services that support physical and emotional health and wellbeing amongst children and young people from birth up to 19 years of age and their families and carers. These services focus on: • preventing ill health • promoting and supporting child development • providing targeted and specialist medical, nursing, immunisation, and therapy services The purpose of this market engagement will be to: - Share with you our vision and priorities for the development of Children’s Community Health provision in Surrey. - Learn together about what is working well and what we can improve in how we commission and deliver Children’s Community Health Provision in Surrey - Explore the shared values and ways of working that will help us collaborate effectively in the future, as we begin the process of recommissioning the future Children’s Community Health Provision offer; and - Develop a joint understanding of the outcomes for children and young people that we want to enable through the provision of Children’s Community Health Provision in Surrey

Total Quantity or Scope

Our context: SHICB are looking to hear from potential providers who share our passion and commitment and who are dedicated to providing choice, excellent services and patient care. The children’s community health services within scope of the procurement are still to be confirmed, but may contain: • Community Paediatric Medical Services (Developmental Paediatricians) • Physiotherapy • Speech and Language Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Community Children's Nursing Team • Children's Continuing healthcare Team • Audiology • Safeguarding Children Team • Looked After Children Health Team • Tongue Tie (over 10 days) • Specialist School Nursing • Medical Advisor for SEND • 0-19 School Nursing and Health Visiting Service including Family Nurse Partnership • Parent and Infant Mental Health • Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services - School Nursing • Occupational Therapy • School-Aged Immunisation Services Commissioners are committed to ensuring that the service provider(s) can deliver continuously improving and safe services for children and young people, across Surrey (and the stipulated geography). This will require a single operating model that delivers across Surrey but also wraps around the Places and communities in Surrey. It should complement, support and drive innovation and integration across the wider system, with reporting and assurance reflecting that single operating model or provision. Further details of the overarching model can be found on: The contract will be managed by a lead ICB on behalf of the other ICBs, NHS England and Surrey County Council (Public Health and Children’s Services) will be associate commissioners. Additional information: Market Questionnaire: Potential and existing providers are invited to respond to the below questions: • What are the opportunities for transforming children's community health services within the financial pressures of the public sector and increasing demand and acuity? (word limit 250 words) • How can we maximise opportunities for improving children and young people's outcomes and reducing inequities by planning and delivering services at home, community / place and scale (as per model described). (word limit 250 words) • What type of contractual and financial model would effectively support providers in delivering children’s community health services and the proposed model? (word limit 250 words) Providers wishing to respond should reply via the Proactis portal under the project “RFX1000342 – NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB, NHS Frimley ICB and SCC Children’s Community Health Services Market Event” by 16.00 on 12th April 2023. Providers should please reply via the messaging function by completing the Market Questionnaire template found on the Proactis portal. The Market Questionnaire will not be scored and responding to it will not impact upon any future related procurement. The purpose of the questionnaire is to enable the commissioning organisations to create a set of services and ultimately a contract that improves outcomes for service users. The detailed service requirements are still in development, and information gathered from these market engagement activities may inform the key outcomes as well as the procurement process. Following this market engagement, feedback from the Market Questionnaire will be shared on our website platform and where we will be able to share any other pertinent information relating to this project. Provider 1:1 Session Registration Details: Potential and existing providers are invited to attend a one hour 1:1 Provider session with key stakeholders of SCC, NHS Frimley ICB,NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB and NHS England. Providers wishing to attend should reply via the Proactis portal under the project “RFX1000342 – NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB, NHS Frimley ICB,SCC and NHS England’s Children’s Community Health Services Market Event” by 16.00 on 12th April 2023. The individual Provider sessions will be held on Tuesday 18th April and Thursday 20th April 2023. A one hour time slot will be assigned to providers on a first come first serve basis. These sessions will be delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams Any interested organisation or consortium with the experience, capability and capacity to deliver the ambition laid out in this PIN notice may register for the Provider sessions. The Commissioning organisations welcome collaborations and partnerships organised within a lead provider model. If you wish to attend, please reply via the messaging function by providing the following information. • Name of attendee(s) • Job title of attendee(s) • Organisation name • Organisation address • Contact email address(es) for Microsoft Teams invite Please note that attendance will be limited to 3 attendees per organisation. As part of the 1:1 Provider Sessions, the Commissioning organisations will request Providers to respond to a series of questions. These questions will be sent to Providers registered for the sessions as a supporting document, alongside the meeting invites and agenda to indicate topics of discussion at the Provider Sessions. The sessions will be time bound to ensure fairness and equal treatment across all Providers. The Commissioning organisations reserve the right to select which questions will be asked from the supporting document on the day of the Provider sessions. The Provider Sessions will not be scored and responding to questions in this setting will not impact upon any future related procurement. The purpose of the provider sessions is to enable the commissioning organisations to create a set of services and ultimately a contract that improves outcomes for service users. The detailed service requirements are still in development, and information gathered from these Provider Sessions may inform the key outcomes as well as the procurement process. NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB and associate commissioning organisations assure all participants that the advice received will not have the effect of distorting competition, and we abide by principles of non-discrimination and transparency. We will be providing more information, including the agenda and meeting invites by Friday 14th April 2023. Following this market engagement, feedback from the Provider sessions will be shared on our website platform and where we will be able to share any other pertinent information relating to this project. Please note: An expression of interest to attend or participate in this Market Engagement Event is no indication of a commitment to participate in the future tender process nor does it infer any special status on those Providers who do attend. An expression of interest in this market engagement will not automatically entitle involvement in any future procurement exercise. Any procurement conducted as a result of this market engagement will be advertised separately and all organisations wanting to participate will need to respond to the advertisement as and when it is published. Providers who do not attend this Market Engagement Event will still be able to apply for the Procurement in the future. Please note that this Market Engagement does not represent a formal stage in the procurement process and attendance will play no part in any subsequent evaluation process.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services

Other Information

For this purpose, contracting authorities may for example seek or accept advice from independent experts, or from market participants. That advice may be used in the planning and conduct of the procurement process. The commissioning organisations assure all participants that the advice received will not have the effect of distorting competition, and we abide by principles of non-discrimination and transparency. The commissioning organisations would like to invite Providers with relevant experience, capability, and capacity to deliver these services to register for the Market Engagement 1:1 Provider Sessions in relation to Children’s Community Health services. The detailed service requirements are still in development, and information gathered from these sessions will inform key outcomes as well as the procurement process. It is anticipated that the tender opportunity will be published by Summer 2023 through Proactis: ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

