Land Facility Main Component

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
31 Mar 2023
not specified



South East England: Africa, South East Asia and Latin America

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will be seeking suppliers to deliver a new land programme titled “Land Facility” and, separately, a supplier to deliver a Decision Support Unit (DSU) to support implementation of the Land Facility. Both calls will be relevant to suppliers with expertise and experience in (a) the land sector and (b) governance and political economy engagement. The DSU will also require strong monitoring and evaluation expertise and experience. The Land Facility (LF) will work with governments and other actors in Africa, South East Asia and Latin America to develop the basic building blocks and/or enabling environment for a fit-for-purpose, sustainable central land governance system, as a basis for inclusive growth, stability, and sustainable land use. Its aim is to help build basic capacity and systems and to mobilise the necessary political support, so governments are able to implement systematic and sustained land reforms, in line with global guidelines and good practice, and prepare the ground for national scale-up where relevant. The primary scope of the Land Facility is therefore central land administration policy and systems and the political process needed to implement and sustain associated reforms. This is a Prior Information Notice and not a call for competition or tender at this time. It is an information notice to highlight to the market the intent to publish the tender in the near future and give interested suppliers the opportunity to register interest on the FCDO Jaggaer Portal, access a draft Terms of Reference and engage in pre procurement dialogue through PQQ.

Lot Division

1 Main Component

The Land Facility will run for approximately 7 years providing both multi-year intensive interventions (‘deep’ country support projects, formally ‘Track 1’) and strategic, short-term interventions (‘light’ projects, formally ‘Track 2’). Specific objectives of the LF will include: a. building central government and other relevant agencies’ capacity to plan, implement and/or manage priority land reforms; b. mobilising and building wider political support to implement reforms and making the business case for long-term financing for land governance through PPPs, loans or country resources; c. advancing or accelerating priority reforms by providing technical assistance and, in special cases, targeted funding for implementation, including legislative reform, developing land administration systems, establishing appropriate funding models and institutional structures, implementing land registration pilots. d. supporting improved coordination and alignment between government and development partner interventions in the land sector. Key features of the LF that build on achievements and lessons from past and ongoing FCDO and other land programmes include: • Responsible and demand-led: the Land Facility will function as an integral part of the UK Centre of Expertise for Green and Inclusive Growth. The aim is to mobilise UK and international expertise and support in a more strategic and coherent way at the national level, with UK government posts in-country playing a central role in the design and/or delivery of projects based on available capacity. • Thinking and working politically: ensuring interventions are grounded in a proper understanding of the political landscape; engage with critical national interest groups that may block or undermine reform and mobilise key champions to build consensus and find compromise solutions. • Working strategically across urban, rural and forest land sectors, mobilising a wider set of stakeholders and taking advantage of multiple entry points to drive change. • Flexibility: a highly flexible and adaptive approach that will deploy long-term technical assistance and other tools to build capacity and support implementation. • Coordination and alignment of land interventions: key focus on improving coordination and alignment of donor interventions in land to ensure these complement each other and reinforce the case for sustained reform. • Inclusion and equality: ensuring land reforms protect and strengthen women’s land rights, including inheritance rights, and safeguard the rights and interests of marginalised groups. The supplier contract will be up to 7 years, subject to break clauses and resource availability. The total initial budget and contract value for the services to be delivered under this contract is expected to be up to £50m (inclusive of all applicable taxes) (subject to change until ITT published). i. A further £30m may become available during the initial contract period, subject to further approvals; ii. An additional £30m and 3-year scale-up option will also be available, subject to a business case addendum should the programme have a strong impact and the potential to yield better results. The contract will be divided into three phases: 1. A 9-month Inception Phase – to confirm programme design, implementation strategy and delivery plan and develop the ‘deep’ and ‘light’ scoping process (with further activities within ToR) 2. A 60-month Implementation Phase 3. A 12-month Exit Phase The indicative (please note it is indicative) timeline is as follows: - ITT Pack Published 21 April 2023 - Deadline for Bid Submission 2 June 2023 - Issue of outcome letters 4 August 2023 - Contract Award 8 September 2023 - Mobilisation October 2023 Additional information: This PIN is not a call for competition or tender at this time, it is an information notice to invite supplier dialogue on the draft Terms of Reference and highlight the intent to publish this opportunity. Please register interest: FCDO Supplier Portal: ( (project_9416)(pqq_1370) and access Market Survey:

2 Decision Support Unit - Component B

The purpose of the DSU is to support balanced and evidence-based decision-making by FCDO and the suppliers of the LF in the context of complexity and uncertainty and a changing operational context. It will support the flexible and adaptive implementation of the LF in focus countries by providing FCDO and suppliers with independent advice and a challenge function, drawing on process evaluations, local insights and ongoing research by others. The DSU will run for the duration of the LF programme, initially for 7 years broadly covering the same countries in which the LF is operational. Specific objectives of the DSU are: 1. to support evidence-based, outcome-oriented and VfM-driven decision-making by FCDO and the LF Lead Supplier throughout the inception phase and implementation; 2. to support and enhance effective programme learning and programmatic action in response to that learning; 3. to support and undertake targeted global dissemination based on a joint communications strategy. The supplier contract will be up to 7 years, subject to break clauses and resource availability. The total initial budget and contract value for the services to be delivered under this contract is expected to be up to £4.5m (inclusive of all applicable taxes) (subject to change up until ITT is published). i. A further £1.5m may become available during the initial contract period, subject to further approvals; ii. An additional £2m scale up option will also be available – subject to a business case addendum should the programme have a strong impact and potential to yield better results; The contract will be divided into three phases: 1. A 9-month Inception Phase – to confirm programme design, implementation strategy and delivery plan and develop the ‘deep’ and ‘light’ scoping process (with further activities within ToR) 2. A 60-month Implementation Phase 3. A 12-month Exit Phase The indicative (please note it is indicative) timeline is as follows: - ITT Pack Published 21 April 2023 - Deadline for Bid Submission 2 June 2023 - Issue of outcome letters 4 August 2023 - Contract Award 8 September 2023 - Mobilisation October 2023 Additional information: This PIN is not a call for competition at this time, it is an information notice to invite supplier dialogue on the draft Terms of Reference and highlight the intent to publish this opportunity. Will be advertised for tender at a later stage through the FCDO Supplier Portal ( (project_9427)(pqq_1372) Market Survey:

CPV Codes

  • 75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

