CLIENT CASELOAD INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS) & EET (Employment, Education and Training) Tracking & Monitoring Services

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
04 Apr 2023
not specified



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


1. Total CCIS (Client Caseload Information System) Total CCIS (Client Caseload Information system) contract - qualified contractor to provide a data service to gather post school, year 12 -13, and NEET (Not in Education, Employment, Training) etc. data. The information allows LBN to fulfil its duty to provide statistical returns to the Department of Education (DfE). 2. Education, Employment & Training (EET) Tracking & Monitoring Services Education, Employment & Training (EET) Tracking and monitoring service contract - qualified contractor to collect information identifying young people (YP) who are not participating in education, employment or training (NEET) or at Risk of NEET. The contractor must have systems, policies and practices to secure data sharing consent from service users/parents for data collection, ensuring client confidentiality, to report back on destinations of YP up to age 19. The service must enable LB Newham to meet statutory obligations with current legislation to: Encourage, enable and assist participation in education and training by YP in accordance with Section 68 of ESA 2008 and EA 2011. Ensure all 16-18 year olds receive a suitable place offer. Support schools, 14-19 alternative provisions, including the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), with destination measures for key stages 3/4 including updating the Client Caseload Information System (CCIS).

Lot Division

1 1. Total CCIS (Client Caseload Information System)

Potential providers must be able to demonstrate: Provision of Integrated Youth Support System Database (Client Caseload Information System ("CCIS") relating to the terms set out in the detailed specification. Access to the Core+ Database, System Security and Service Continuity. Providing access to the Core+ Database for users decided upon by the Authority. Ensuring security and continuity requirements set out in the detailed specification are met. Management of Secure User Access to the Core+ Database according to the specification. Contract Management, and reports as required, including the CCIS steering group formed of each authority in the sub region. Provision of London CCIS. The Contractor shall make appropriate arrangements to provide the London CCIS service ("LCCIS"). System Management, Maintenance and Development.The Contractor shall provide and manage data services that are compliant with current national specifications for CCIS. Statutory Reporting from the Core+ Database. The Contractor shall submit the statutory monthly MI reports as defined and required by DfE Provision of Standard Management Information Reports. The Contractor shall provide a monthly MI summary report, covering all LA's in the London East sub-region, comprising figures for the total post school cohort and the Year 12-13 cohort, and both figures and percentages for the Year 12-13 Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and Not Known combined, Year 12-13 un-adjusted NEET, Year 12-13 'situation not known' and Year 12-13 duty and participating figures for each LA. Developing and Delivering Additional Reports.The Contractor shall provide a standard set of reports available in the Core+ Database to support tracking, currency monitoring, team and individual workload activity, data quality, monitoring of vulnerable groups and opportunities. And other reports as required. Training in the Use of the Core+ Database. The Contractor shall provide training resources and guidance documentation for the Authority as specified.

2 2. Education, Employment & Training (EET) Tracking & Monitoring Services

Potential providers must be able to demonstrate: The London Borough of Newham requires an experienced and suitably qualified contractor to collect information to identify young people who are not participating in education, employment or training (NEET) or who are at risk of not participating in education, employment or training. To meet this requirement the contractor will need to report back on destinations of young people up to the age of 19. The service must enable the London Borough of Newham to meet its statutory obligations in accordance with current legislation to: • Encourage, enable and assist participation in education and training by young people in accordance with Section 68 of ESA 2008 and EA 2011 • Ensure all 16-18 year olds receive an offer of a suitable place • Support schools, 14-19 alternative provisions, including the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), with progression measure information including updating the Client Caseload Information System (CCIS). Required Outcomes Reduced NEET, which will increase positive progression into post-16 education, training, and employment (EET) Improve retention rates in education, training, and employment (with training), throughout Year 12 and into Year 13 Reduction in 'unknown' cohort (do not know current destination of young person) i.e. not, in education, employment or training (NEET) or in education, employment or training (EET). Service Requirements. The contractor will need to ensure they have systems, policies and practices in place to secure consent to information sharing from service users and parents as they collect data; and promote client confidentiality. The core requirements are set out in the specification. Staffing. sufficient number of suitably trained staff with appropriate skills and competencies. The service shall link and coordinate the different duties of London Borough of Newham, Schools and Colleges and other providers, to share and provide information, in order to produce accurate and comprehensive data that supports young people's progression. Information sharing and data management. The contractor shall update, inform and circulate information to London Borough of Newham, DFE, Schools and relevant organisations as required. Ensuring appropriate data sharing and GDPR requirement protocols are in place with young people and partners.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services

Other Information

We would like to hear from potential providers interested in delivering these services, to inform the planning of our procurement process. Suitably qualified providers are invited to complete the attached form and return by midday on 21/04/2023 to ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Please see below link to Contracts Finder notice for access to attachments:

