HCC - 04/23 - The Provision of a Highways and Environment Professional Services Contract

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
11 Apr 2023
To 30 Aug 2029 (est.)
19 May 2023 11:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Hertfordshire County Council (the "Authority") wishes to appoint a professional services provider to deliver professional services related to public highways (the "Contract"). The Authority is looking to forge a long-term collaborative relationship with a service provider that delivers a Contract that actively supports the Authority’s corporate objectives and enhances the county of Hertfordshire. The Authority wishes to facilitate the appointed service provider to identify and implement innovative solutions, establishing a new way of delivering the services to maximise the potential for success for both itself and the appointed service provider throughout the lifetime of the Contract. The professional services are currently delivered through the Authority’s existing professional services contract (based on the NEC3 Professional Services Contract) which is due to expire on 30 September 2024.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Authority wishes to put in place a new, flexible arrangement to facilitate the appointment of a service provider to deliver the Contract. This process commenced with a pre-market engagement exercise notified to the market by PIN ref 2022/S 000-015520. This was supplemented by a note to the market of the intention to procure the Contract before the highways service term maintenance contract ("HST Contract") and a further round of pre-market engagement – in February 2023.This Contract Notice marks the commencement of the procurement for a professional services provider. The service provider will be expected to deliver various services (each of which is described in greater detail in the Project Information Memorandum) including:Core Operational Supporting Services Comprising the services that support delivery of the core highways service and primarily face the HST Contract, as well as broader service-wide contract management and independent network management support functions. This includes:• Asset Management & Structural Maintenance Services • Routine Maintenance Services • Network Management Services• Contract Management ServicesStrategy Development & Implementation ServicesCovering the professional services required to develop the service’s strategic transport approaches, planning and overseeing their implementation, and working with partners and developers to align their delivery accordingly. This includes: • Technical Support and Development Services • Strategy Development Services• Transport Infrastructure Implementation Services • Development Management ServicesThe Authority intends to focus on the following: • A service delivered in line with Hertfordshire’s Sustainability Strategy, playing a key role in delivering the strategy’s ambitions both in its organisations and the behaviour it encourages; • Managing, improving and maintaining the network for all users, encouraging and enabling active and sustainable travel; • Sustaining a financially resilient service that delivers best value with the resources available; • Optimising service efficiency and maximising income from commercialisation and external funding. The Authority wishes for the appointed service provider to raise initiatives for providing a commercially astute service;• Embracing best practice, innovations and new technologies, enabling the service to continuously evolve and improve; • Attracting, developing, empowering and retaining the best people capable of driving a dynamic and agile service; • Engaging effectively to understand and meet the needs of citizens and communities; • Developing and sustaining a collaborative partnership that delivers the objectives of all. The Authority is keen to understand how it can better facilitate collaborative working across the highways service and in its supply chain; and• A sensible and fair procurement process - the Authority is committed to complying with the public procurement regime. The Project Information Memorandum and Scope accompanying this notice contains additional detail on the services which shall be required from the service provider. Delivery of all services under the Contract must be in line with the Authority’s commitments to social value and sustainability. The Contract is intended to provide a dynamic, flexible basis on which the Authority and service provider can work together to explore innovative, sustainable and progressive approaches to managing and improving the highways network in Hertfordshire. The form of Contract is expected to be the NEC4 Professional Services Contract with bespoke amendments to be discussed with Bidders during the negotiation stages of the procurement process. The pricing approach is currently being developed and will also form part of discussions on the Contract during the negotiation phase of the procurement process. Additional information: The Authority intends to put in place a flexible, dynamic arrangement which can adapt and evolve to meet the Authority’s changing requirements and objectives during the Contract term. The Authority will explore the duration of any extensions as part of the negotiation process with those Bidders selected to participate in that phase of the competition.

Renewal Options

It is anticipated that the Contract term will be up to a maximum of 14 years comprised of an initial minimum term of 5 years followed by optional extension periods up to a maximum aggregate duration of 14 years. The duration and number of extension(s) beyond the initial minimum term of 5 years shall be determined at the Authority’s absolute discretion.

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Selection Questionnaire responses and tenders are to be completed electronically using the Portal: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire/aspx/Home. Please note that a ‘request to participate’ for the purposes of this Contract Notice (in particular, Section IV.2.2) is by completion and return of the Selection Questionnaire by the stated deadline.Candidates will remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from Candidates in connection with taking part in this procurement, regardless of whether such costs arise as a direct or indirect consequence of any amendments made to the procurement documents by the Authority at any time. The Authority is mindful of the issues presented by conflicts of interest and will be proactively managing any actual or potential conflicts that may arise during this procurement.The Authority reserves the right at any time to: i) reject any or all responses and to cancel or withdraw this procurement at any stage; ii) award a Contract without prior notice; iii) change the basis, the procedures and the time-scales set out or referred to within the procurement documents; iv) require a Candidate to clarify any submissions in writing and/or provide additional information (failure to respond adequately may result in disqualification); v) terminate the procurement process; and/or vi) amend the terms and conditions of the selection and evaluation process.All discussions and correspondence will be deemed strictly subject to contract until a formal Contract is entered into. The formal Contract shall not be binding until it has been signed and dated by the duly authorised representatives of both parties.The estimated total value of the Contract (identified in II.2.5) is only an estimate at this stage. No guarantee is given as to the actual value in any given year or in totality as the estimated value is subject to a degree of uncertainty due to the flexible approach being adopted. That approach anticipates service change and continuous improvement, variations in the annual budget for the Highways Service, fluctuations in the availability of central Government funding and the significant impact that inflation could have on costs under the Contract. As a result, potential bidders should be aware that this means that the total value of the Contract could change including the potential to exceed the figure provided in II.2.5.The Authority is expecting to launch a separate procurement for a HST Contract towards the end of this year. On the basis of the Authority’s current proposed timetable, it is expected that the HST Contract procurement will launch when this Contract is anticipated to be at Final Tender stage. While Candidates are welcome to bid for both opportunities, the same organisation will not be able to win both contracts, as the professional services service provider will have a role in assisting the Authority with the contract management of the HST Contract provider, including assisting with performance management and auditing, creating a potential conflict of interest if a single bidder were successful for both opportunities. Consequently, if a Candidate participating in both procurements is awarded Preferred Bidder status for the professional services contract, then their involvement in the HST Contract procurement would automatically be deemed to have come to an end at that point. Given the timing of the two procurements, this means a Candidate should have a reasonable understanding as to whether or not they are likely to be successful for the professional services contract before the HST Contract moves into its latter, more detailed stages. .If you are experiencing problems In-Tend offer a help section which includes a dedicated UK support desk which can be contacted via email: support@in-tend.co.uk or Telephone: +44 1144070065 for any website/technical questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30-17:00.

