Document Management Solution (DMS)

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
17 Apr 2023
not specified
28 Apr 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NTU wish to undertake a pre-procurement market engagement exercise before any possible procurement is started, to determine suitable Document Management Solution (DMS), systems and capabilities. This exercise is aimed at making informed decisions surrounding future solutions as part of pre-procurement planning and is an essential step before deciding whether to initiate a full project leading to procurement. We will therefore also be looking at supplier and technology capabilities, opportunities to deliver and estimated costs for full and partial solutions. The current NTU ecosystem includes a variety of systems and places where documents are created, stored, and deleted. This includes both digital records, that are stored in local and 3rd party solutions, as well as paper records which are regularly accessed by NTU teams. Each team stores their documents according to their individual policies and therefore, the aim of this initiative is to help standardise these processes.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

At this stage we will not be formally assessing proposals, so nothing provided at this stage will be evaluated as part of any future procurement process. We welcome responses from organisations who feel that they have ideas on how our vision can be delivered, and comment on the extent to which our requirements are reasonable, realistic, and properly specified. If you feel your organisation can contribute to this exercise, please register/login to express interest via the EU Supply portal for further details. Please complete, sign and return the NDA to receive the password that grants access to the SMT document, provide responses to the enclosed questions and submit via the EU Supply Portal no later than 12:00 Noon on Friday 28th April 2023. Please note we are not accepting any changes, variations or alternatives to the NDA provided. Following receipt of the responses and depending on the information we obtain from this exercise we may invite a selection of respondents to attend separate workshop sessions to present and discuss their responses between Tuesday 2nd May 2023 and Friday 12th May 2023. Organisations not attending a session will not be disadvantaged in any future procurement, as this pre-procurement market engagement is only an exploratory fact-finding exercise: it is not an invitation to tender or a request for formal expressions of interest. Any supplier invited to present or provide information to NTU is doing so to support pre-procurement market research only, to help make any future procurement more focused and efficient, and to clarify NTU's requirements. The expected formal procurement process will start only after completion of this pre-procurement market engagement or soft market testing exercise. Please apply via the EU Supply portal link provided in contact details.

