The Supply and Installation of a 9.39T (400 MHz for 1H) NMR Spectrometer for the University of Birmingham

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Goods)
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17 Apr 2023
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Birmingham University
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1 buyer

1 supplier


The School of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham invites tenders for supply of an NMR 400MHz spectrometer, comprising a 9.39T actively shielded magnet, 2-channel console, double-resonance broadband probe with automatic tuning and matching capable of measurements on the 19F nucleus and fitted with an autosampler (minimum 60 positions). This project may be funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) or; - European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) or; - Research Councils UK (RCUK), the strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils.

Total Quantity or Scope

Instrument Specification The requirements for this equipment are: o A 9.39Tesla (400MHz for 1H) actively shielded magnet; o a 2-channel NMR spectrometer console with appropriate amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, and shims system; o double-resonance z-gradient broadband direct-detect probe with sensitivity enhancement on the 1H channel. This probe should be capable of 19F nucleus observation and automatic tuning and matching to all observable nuclei. The following sensitivities should be reached:  ≥ 460:1 for 1H  ≥ 210:1 for 13C (EB sample)  ≥ 190:1 for 13C (ASTM sample)  ≥ 100:1 for 31P (TPP sample)  ≥ 500:1 for 19F (TFT sample) o an autosampler and at least the corresponding number of sample holders (60 positions minimum); o acquisition workstation and NMR acquisition software; o un-crating and installation by qualified engineers; Page 5 to 8 o seamless transition between magnet being brought up to field, installation of console and set-up of the instrument by the application scientists ready to be used by a typical researcher in walk-up mode; o Liquid helium costs for installation and commissioning of the magnet o On and off-site training for users o on-site support from the manufacturer's application scientists after acceptance This instrument will be installed in the purpose-built "Molecular Sciences Building" (MSB) housing the School of Chemistry and the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, which is due for completion on 31st of August 2023.

Award Detail

1 Jeol (Welwyn Garden City)
  • the Supply and Installation of a 9.39T (400 MHz for 1H) NMR Spectrometer for the University of Birmingham
  • Reference: 010906-2023-sc11253/23-1
  • Value: £300,429

Award Criteria

Compliance to the Specifications 30
After Sales and Technical back up 20
Delivery and Training 15
Sustainability and Environmenta 5
: Standard Supplier Questionnaire (SQ) 10
price 20

CPV Codes

  • 33111610 - Magnetic resonance unit
  • 38433000 - Spectrometers

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

