Construction of an extension to Roade Cemetery, Manor Close, Roade, NN7 2PE

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
2 month
18 Apr 2023
01 Aug 2023 to 29 Sep 2023
19 May 2023 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


We are pleased to invite your company, on behalf of our client Roade Parish Council, to submit a tender for the construction of an extension to Roade Cemetery The Tender Documents comprise: 1. Specification including summary of Contract Preliminaries & Form of Tender (TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension construction specification12 10 22 REV1 13 11 22). 2. Tender Drawing: TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension - Proposed Site Layout. 3. Work Schedules (in Excel - for ease of return); TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension Work Schedules 12 10 22 REV1 13 11 22. 4. Tender return documents (in Word - for ease of return); TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension Tender Return Document 28 02 23) 5. Tender assessment criteria (80-20). Your tender submission should comprise the following: 1. Completed Form of Tender. 2. Completed Work Schedules (in excel). 3. Completed Method Questionnaire. 4. Completed Sub-contractors Questionnaire 5. Completed Past Experience Questionnaire Please note, the tenders will be assessed on the basis of 80% cost, 20% quality as per the attached criteria. IMPORTANT: A hard copy of the tender submission in a sealed marked envelope must arrive by post no later than 17:00 on Friday 19th May 2023 at the following address and addressee: The Clerk Roade Parish Council PO BOX 847 Northampton Northamptonshire NN7 9AB

CPV Codes

  • 45215400 - Cemetery works


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

In addition, an electronic version of the tender submission is to be returned by email to by no later than 17:00 on Friday 19th May 2023. Using your email software, please request both delivery and read receipts. Any questions you may have regarding any part of these documents are to be presented in email to by no later than Monday 15th May 2023. All tenderers will receive a copy of all the questions submitted, together with replies, via email by Wednesday 17th May 2023. An evaluation of the tender bids received will be completed by Friday 2nd June 2023, for consideration by the Parish Council at a closed meeting on Monday 12th June 2023, and the tenderers will be notified of the outcome by Friday 16th June 2023. In order to facilitate the proper comparisons of tenders, no unauthorised alterations to the tender documents shall be made. Tenders containing unauthorised alterations or qualifications may be rejected. If you desire to make any changes, your proposals should be submitted to us in time to be considered and, if approved, circulated to all tenderers. Arrangements for undertaking a site visit during the tender period can be found in Section 2.1.2 of the Specification. It is recommended that Contractors should visit the site to familiarise themselves with site constraints. N.B. The Client reserves the right to not award a contract from this tender process. Invitation to tender TGMS1233.7 Roade Cemetery Extension Invitation to Tender 18 04 23.pdf Specification TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension construction specification 12 10 22 REV1 13 11 22.pdf Drawing Tgms1233.6-1 Roade Cemetery Extension - Proposed Site Layout.pdf Work schedules TGMS1233.6 Roade Cemetery Extension Work Schedules 12 10 22 REV1 13 11 22.xlsx Tender return document TGMS1233.7 Roade Cemetery Extension Tender Return Document 28 02 23.docx Assessment criteria TGMS Tender Assessment Criteria 80-20.pdf

