Pan Essex Urgent Primary Medical Care Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
12.5 month
25 Apr 2023
20 Nov 2023 to 30 Nov 2024
12 Jun 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Authority are seeking to re-open the Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) for the provision of Urgent (Parachute / Caretaking) Primary Medical Care Services in accordance with NHS England Standard General Medical Services Regulations and Alternative Provider Medical Services Directions and having full regard to the NHS England Primary Medical Care Policy and Guidance Manual (PGM). This PDPD was established on 18th November 2019, however CF will not allow a contract start date that is prior to SQ deadline, so a nominal date on 20 Nov 23 has been selected in order to re-publish. Hereafter all references to the Authority incorporates these organisations: NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB), NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB, NHS Suffolk and North East Essex ICB. The Authority invites responses from suitably qualified and experienced Providers to apply to join the PDPS Approved Provider List. The Urgent (Parachute / Caretaking) Primary Medical Care Services under this PDPS fall within the light-touch regime (LTR - PCR 2015 Regulations 74-77). The PDPS in many respects looks and feel like a DPS set up under PCR 2015 Regulation 34, but the flexibility of the LTR will apply. None of the formal procedural rules have any direct application including the requirements of Regulation 34. The Authority makes this distinction to avoid implying that they will follow, or be bound by, the full procurement regime under PCR 2015 for this procurement. This PDPS will be in place for a five-year term commencing 1st December 2019, with an option to extend for a further 12 months. It covers circumstances that may arise that require The Authority to put in place an Urgent Primary Medical Care Services contract where, due to the time limitations, the Authority opts not to undertake an individual procurement process. (This is sometimes also referred to as a Primary Medical Care Parachute or Caretaking service or Emergency Cover). Bidders should therefore note that this PDPS places no obligation on the Authority to procure Services during the term of this PDPS. Individual circumstances may include: unforeseen or short notice circumstances, such as; the unexpected death of a single-handed Provider, or the failure to comply with a contractual breach notice or Care Quality Commission (CQC) essential standards, a termination notice issued by existing Provider or partnership dissolution, or a failed procurement process leading to urgent requirement as result of contract expiry. Important: Please see the attached Contract Notice published in FTS (at sections 'II.2.4 - Description of the procurement' and 'VI.3) Additional information'), for additional information regarding this opportunity that could not be applied here due to character limitations.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The Services within this PDPS procurement fall within Section 7 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the Regulations). Neither the inclusion of the Bidder at Qualification Stage nor the use of the terms Process Overview, Selection Questionnaire, or Invitation to Tender nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Authority intends to hold themselves bound by any of the Regulations save those applicable to Public Contracts for social and other specific services listed in Schedule 3 of the Regulations (the Light Touch Regime). Disclaimer: The Authority shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by respondents to this procurement in preparing and/or submitting such responses. To access the procurement documentation, please go to the Attain eProcurement Portal (Bravo powered by Jaggaer) at: Click on Register here and follow the on-screen instructions. You can access the SQ: sq_87 - Urgent Primary Medical Care PDPS re-opening (Round 3) for Essex CCGs by clicking on the link called View current opportunities on the Home Page. Please note that the tender will not be accepted by any means other than through the Bravo e-Procurement Portal. Should you require any information regarding this PDPS in between rounds please contact the email address available in this Contract Notice. n/a PDPS FTS CN.pdf

