Town Hall Refurbishment Consultancy (Town Deal) Tender Contract 2023 to 2026

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
35 month
26 Apr 2023
25 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2026
07 Apr 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers


Please refer to: a) Document Ref: THTD01 'Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender Information & Specification' b) Document Ref: THTD02 'Town Hall Town & Associated Buildings Existing Drawings' c) Document Ref: THTD03 'Form of Tender' d) Document Ref: THTD04 'Application for Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender' e) Document Ref: THTD05 'Town Hall Town Deal Indicative Project Timeline' f) Document Ref: THTD06 'Scope of Services for Building Works' g) Document Ref: THTD07 'RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment' h) Document Ref: THTD08 'RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment Explanatory Notes' i) Document Ref: THTD09 'Project Value' j) Document Ref: THTD10 'Variation to Tender' k) Document Ref: THTD11 'Theatre Report' l) Document Ref: THTD12 'BOS Café Report' m) Document Ref: THTD13 'Reception Report' n) Document Ref: THTD14 'Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender Evaluation Criteria' Your tender submission, which is to be on a fixed price basis for the period April 2023 to March 2026 is to be returned on Document Ref: THTD03 'Form of Tender' and in a sealed envelope marked 'Tender' to be submitted by 12noon on Friday 7th April 2023. The tender is to be signed by an authorised signatory for the company and all alterations or corrections must be initialled by the same person. The completed tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked 'Tender' which should then be sent by post or delivered by hand to reach the Projects Officer, Town Hall, High Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AS. All tenders will be opened at the same time by the Town Clerk and Project Manager in the presence of a Councillor. You must submit the following documentation with your tender: 1) All company accreditations, qualifications, and recognitions. 2) Evidence of your staff/team's competency and training records. 3) All Health & Safety documentation for this project. 4) Any RAMS relating to this project. 5) THTD03 'Form of Tender'. 6) THTD04 'Application Form for the Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender'.

Award Detail

1 Connolly Wellingham Architects (Bristol)
  • Value: £176,625

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

7) Insurance details and certificates as indicated in section C of THTD04 (please note that £10m liability is required). Any omissions will invalidate your tender. The tender envelope must not be marked in any way to indicate the identity of the sender / tenderer and must contain only the tender form and requested documents, and no other enclosures. If a courier service is used these requirements must still be observed. Your particular attention is drawn to the conditions above as any tender which is late and/or is improperly marked or unsealed WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Bridgwater Town Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, nor to make any payment for the preparation of any tender. Thanking you for your interest in this tender. Document containing links to existing building elevations and floor plans THTD02 Town Hall & Associated Buildings Existing Drawings.pdf Application form to tender THTD04 Application for Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender.pdf Project timeline (indicative) THTD05 Town Hall Town Deal Indicative Project Timeline.pdf Bidders proposal form THTD06 Scope of Services for Building Works.pdf RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment THTD07 RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment.pdf RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment explanatory notes THTD08 RICS Short Form of Consultant's Appointment Explanatory Notes.pdf QS estimated value of capital works THTD09 Project Value.pdf Bidders form if proposing variations to tender THTD10 Variation to Tender.pdf Town Hall Theatre Feasibility Report THTD11 Theatre Report.pdf Rooms above BOS Café Feasibility Report THTD12 BOS Cafe Report.pdf Reception areas including lift Feasibility Report THTD13 Reception Report.pdf Invitation to Tender - Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy 2023 Invitation to Tender - Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy 2023.pdf Tender Specification Document THTD01 Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender Information & Specification.pdf Form to tender THTD03 Form of Tender.pdf Tender evaluation criteria THTD14 Town Hall Town Deal Consultancy Tender Evaluation Criteria.pdf THTD18 Award of Tender.pdf

