Expert Medical Reports Service

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
03 May 2023
not specified



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


CICA commissions a specialist medical examination to assess, examine, evaluate, and provide a diagnosis and prognosis, whether on balance, an Applicant has sustained a qualifying injury under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 (amended). Assessments may be required to note exacerbation or changes of pre-existing conditions. Assessment reports will enable CICA to identify the correct injury award-banding and a potential future loss of earnings figures. The service will require a system which tracks the process, end to end.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Criminal Injuries and Compensations Authority (CICA) wish to invite potential suppliers to a market engagement session to gauge market interest for the following tender opportunity: The Supplier will arrange to undertake a medical examination and provide an expert report, where the nature, extent and duration of an injury is unclear. The Supplier will also arrange to undertake a medical examination and provide an expert report when CICA is directed to obtain an expert medical report for Appeals cases. Applicants are entitled to apply for a Review of their decision if they are unhappy with their award. They can also lodge an Appeal against their Review Decision if they are still unhappy. On occasion, the Tribunal Judge looking at an Appeal will direct CICA to obtain further evidence by way of an expert report. Other medical reports may be requested to allow CICA to make decisions. For example, an Ophthalmologist’s opinion may be required to allow CICA to decide if the applicant is unable to obtain an opinion from their own specialist. The Supplier should note that CICA is NOT referring an applicant for treatment, but rather seeking a medical expert to assist CICA in making a proper assessment for compensation. The Supplier will also provide a software system which tracks the progress of the reports end to end. The Supplier will provide the following services: ii. High quality medical experts throughout mainland UK and outside the UK for overseas Applicants. Suitably qualified experts should have relevant and recent knowledge and experience in the field required. Please see section 6.1 for the required timescales for each of the below. a. Where psychiatric diagnosis/prognosis is required a report must be provided by a Clinical Psychologist who is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council or a psychiatrist who is registered with The Royal College of Psychiatrists. It is not expected that overseas psychologists will be registered with The Health and Care Professions Council. The Supplier will provide a psychiatrist in these cases. b. Some reports may be obtained based on medical information only, without the need for a face-to-face examination (virtual or physical). CICA will identify these cases when making a referral to the Supplier. c. Where a face-to-face examination is required, the Supplier will ensure that examinations are conducted within 35 miles of the Applicant’s home. In cases where this is not possible the Supplier will advise CICA and discuss alternative solutions. d. Where a face-to-face examination cannot be done, perhaps due to the needs of the Applicant or during pandemic restrictions, the Supplier will ensure the examination is conducted virtually. iii. In the event that a report is required from a medical expert who is resident overseas, i.e. for an Applicant who lives oversees, the Supplier should seek a suitably qualified expert. This expert should have relevant and recent knowledge and experience in the field required. Suitably qualified means that the expert should have equivalent qualifications to those required in the UK and should have relevant and recent knowledge and experience in the specific field required. iv. High quality and professional reports should be provided to CICA upon which final case decisions can be made quickly. The expected timescales for the completed reports will be detailed at the Market Engagement event. v. The Supplier shall have and maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) that must demonstrate its ability to consistently provide services that meets Contractual requirements. The Supplier shall give details of any external Certification awarded in support of this Quality Management System. vi. The Supplier will be expected to communicate with all parties including contacting the Applicant to arrange

CPV Codes

  • 85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
  • 79625000 - Supply services of medical personnel
  • 85121000 - Medical practice services
  • 85121200 - Medical specialist services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

