NEPTS -Non-Emergency Patient Transport Early Engagement Event - Norfolk & Waveney ICB

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
16 May 2023
not specified
31 Jul 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) are inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to express their interest in delivering Non- Emergency Patient Transport services ((NEPTs) for eligible Norfolk and Waveney patients across NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB. The aim of this service is to provide Non- Emergency Transport for eligible Norfolk and Waveney patients with a medical need, between their places of residence, community, social care and acute settings transporting patients in safe, timely, comfortable and clinically appropriate transport without detriment to their medical condition. This includes all Mental Health transport, both secure and non/specialist. There is a need for the NEPTS Provider in the post-COVID pandemic to be able to respond to rapidly changing regional demand patterns to cater for the patient, the Acute Trusts, Community partners, Mental Health partners and other stakeholder partners across Norfolk and Waveney ICS. It is anticipated that the contract period will an initial be for a period of 5 years with the option to extend for up to a further two years, commencing 1st October 2024. The indicative timescales for the tender release date is scheduled for July 2023. The aim of this Expression of Interest is to; 1. provide the market with visibility of the proposed opportunity; 2. support the ICB decision making to inform the future commissioning of services (as applicable); 3. to help define the future service approach and model; 4. to gauge the level of interest from the market of capable providers with capacity across the region to deliver the services noted above. A further tender advertisement will be issued at the appropriate time. You will not be disadvantaged in any subsequent tender process if you choose not to attend this market engagement event as the market engagement information will form part of any future tendering documentation, but the Commissioners wish to understand your views on the proposed model, activity and financial envelope. The deadline for completing the Soft Market Testing responses is by 17:00 hours on 31st May 2023. Registration to attend the market engagement event closes 17:00 hours 26th May 2023.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Please see and complete the attached documents. Please note this is a market testing exercise and does not commit the ICB to carry out any further procurement process. Current services will remain in place during this period in line with existing contracts and service level agreements. Any future opportunity will be advertised in accordance with the regulations. The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this procurement exercise. Further information and the ITT documentation can be found via the 'Live Opportunities' list on the e-procurement system at the following link: You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract ref C16908

