Market Engagement Event for Social Prescribing in Lincolnshire

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
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23 May 2023
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Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Lincolnshire ICB is holding a Market Engagement Event to inform the market of its intention to procure a Social Prescribing Service in Lincolnshire.

Total Quantity or Scope

This service aims to have both dedicated Primary Care and also mental health social prescribing link workers working with those with mental ill health and SMI (serious mental illness).Social Prescribing enables local primary care networks, secondary care providers, statutory services, local authorities, charitable organisations and members of the wider support community, to refer patients to a ‘social prescribing link worker’, to connect them into community-based and informal support, building on what matters to the person as identified through shared decision making, personalised care and support planning. People may also self-refer to a social prescribing link worker.The Commissioner is looking to engage with the market to provide these services and would like to hear from suitably qualified and experienced providers with the necessary capacity and capability.It is expected that these two services will be provided in alignment and will scale up our work to date on the Lincolnshire Mental Health and wellbeing community investment fund, bringing serious investment to deliver meaningful activities and well-being in support of mental and physical health.The implementation of primary care and mental health social prescribing link workers as well as supporting the development of the local communities and voluntary sector provision as part of an expanded and coordinated menu of social prescribing opportunities. Social prescribers within Lincolnshire are now embedded and report positive outcomes.The event will take place virtually, on Wednesday 14th June from 09:30 to 11:00.To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference/name as detailed: reference: C173262Project Name: Market Engagement Event for Social Prescribing in LincolnshireThe market engagement event will be run via Microsoft Teams and Outlook diary invites for the event will be sent to those who register, so email addresses are a minimum requirement.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services

Other Information

This service aims to have both dedicated Primary Care and also mental health social prescribing link workers working with those with mental ill health and SMI (serious mental illness).The event will take place virtually, on Wednesday 14th June from 09:30 to 11:00.To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference/name as detailed: reference: C173262Project Name: Market Engagement Event for Social Prescribing in LincolnshireThe market engagement event will be run via Microsoft Teams and Outlook diary invites for the event will be sent to those who register, so email addresses are a minimum requirement. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

