CPS File Transfer System

A Prior Information Notice
by CPS

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
24 May 2023
not specified



United Kingdom: 102 Petty France, London WC1H 9EA and elsewhere in England and Wales

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The provision of CPS file transfer system

Total Quantity or Scope

The CPS wishes to engage with the market to identify Suppliers who may be able provide file transfer system to fulfil the needs of the organisation. Following this exercise, the CPS may undertake further market engagement exercises to obtain and refine information. The CPS is under no obligation to go out to the market following this exercise. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) uses a Case Management System (CMS) where details of cases being prosecuted are held. The larger digital files (e.g. photos and video footage) are saved and shared via an online platform. Digital files are shared with members of the police forces, the Serious Fraud Office, DWP and other Government departments. The CPS is seeking to procure a similar cloud-based platform. It is important to the CPS that the platform offers comprehensive levels of encryption control and auditing to ensure that sensitive data is always protected. Approximately C.6000 will use the platform. The CPS expect the platform as a minimum to: 1. Allow the upload of data such as image, audio and video files 2. Provide an encrypted environment and enterprise-grade permissions, allowing the CPS to control how others interact with the files uploaded. 3. Provide dashboards, detailed audit trails and granular retention policies to safeguard and ensure compliance. 4. Make it easy to organize content within folders and keep sensitive content safe from unauthorized access. 5. Allow system administrators to set file retention policies that automatically delete files after a specified timeframe. 6. Provide granular audit logs track the date and time of all user and administrator activities, including opens, location, sharing, editing, and downloads. 7. The solution and supporting materials must be WCAG v2.1 compliant to AA standards. 8. The solution must have assistive technology usability, including but not limited to JAWS, Dragon, ZoomText, Mind View and Text help usability. 9. The support service must be diverse to accommodate multiple methods of engagement and incident resolution for physical and neurodiverse accessibility users. 10. Training, communications, and implementation must be accessible and flexible to ensure users with accessibility needs are not treated unfairly in comparison to other users. At this stage the CPS is seeking to engage with the supplier market as part of an information gathering exercise to understand how suppliers might provide and maintain the services set out above particularly with regard to innovation over the last few years. Suppliers who wish to express their interest in this potential opportunity, should do so no later than 7th June 2023, via the contact details provided within this notice. You should receive and automated message once your submission has successfully been send. If for any reason you do not receive an automated message, please contact commercialsoftware@cps.gov.uk. We intend to invite a maximum of 6 Suppliers to attend a virtual engagement session between the 14th – 28th June 2023, where they can present their observations on how the requirements within this Prior Information Notice can be fulfilled. Presentations should be made in PowerPoint and should cover the following areas: 1. How the provision of a similar platform has been modernised over the last few years. 2. Service Levels on offer both during the period of transition and during the Business as Usual (BAU) phase. 3. How suppliers can support the CPS to move data off their existing platform to the Supplier’s platform with minimal risk and business disruption CPS invites all eligible suppliers to submit an expression of interest, including the following information by: 23:59.00, 07/06/2023 to commercialsoftware@cps.gov.uk. 1. Representative Name 2. Company Name 3. Contact Details (Email and 4. Brief description of your company On receipt, a Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) will be completed after which full information will be provided. Additional information: Please Note that the information provided does not form any contractual binding or impose any obligations on either the Supplier or the CPS this information also does not constitute an offer capable of acceptance. Do not provide any sales or marketing information as it is not relevant and will not be considered by the project team.

CPV Codes

  • 32260000 - Data-transmission equipment
  • 32582000 - Data carriers

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

