Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
12 Jun 2023
01 Jan 1 to 01 Jan 1
19 Jun 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to alert potential suppliers to an opportunity to participate in pre-tender market engagement in relation to evaluations of: The second iteration of Home Upgrade Grant (HUG 2); The joint delivery model of HUG 2 and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2. The aims of the HUG 2 evaluation will be to provide evidence to understand how the scheme was delivered and experienced (through process evaluation), the extent to which the scheme achieved its stated longer-term impacts (impact evaluation) and to provide support on data and measures for an internal cost-benefit analysis. The Delivery Model Evaluation aims to conduct a smaller process and impact evaluation and also aims to evaluate extent to which the delivery model has delivered value to the public purse (VfM evaluation). Evidence from these evaluations will inform and help improve the design and delivery of high-profile domestic energy efficiency retrofit policies and provide transparency to the general public (including interested stakeholders) on how the funding has been used and delivered its aims. We anticipate this contract will have a contract life of approximately 4 years (with a structure of 2+1+1 contract term) and a total value of approx. £1 million pounds, with a more significant proportion of the budget allocated to the HUG2 evaluation compared to the Delivery Model evaluation, and almost all delivery taking place in the first 3 years. To ensure that the evaluation scheme delivers the above stated objective, DESNZ are commencing market engagement activities to better understand the nature of interested suppliers and to give them an opportunity to participate before the service is tendered. This engagement will be an opportunity for potential service providers to discuss the implications and opportunities with the commissioning analysis team to potentially influence the scope of work before the tender is launched in coming weeks.

CPV Codes

  • 73110000 - Research services
  • 79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

If you are interested in participating in the market engagement event from 11-12:30pm on 19th June, please join via the Microsoft Teams link attached to the notice: We intend to share a draft specification and a copy of the presentation prior to the event with suppliers who have contacted the DESNZ team via the email address linked in the notice. The proposed route to market is the Research and Insights DPS with the filtering criteria mentioned elsewhere within the PIN. The proposed route to market is the research and insights DPS with the below filtering criteria, therefore any suppliers interested in bidding will be advised to ensure they are registered with the below criteria: Impact evaluation, Experimental / quasi-experimental impact evaluation, Theory-based impact evaluation (incl. Theories of Change (ToC) and Logic Modelling), Synthesis evaluation, Process evaluation, Value-for-money evaluation, Scoping Review, England filtering criteria https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=/_#/l/meetup-join/19:m... Please join via this Microsoft Teams link: http://beisgroup.ukp.app.jaggaer.com n/a HUG 2 & Delivery Model Evaluation - Specification- Final Draft.docx n/a Supplier engagement slies v2.pptx

