NHS England South West - Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes for Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
9 year
21 Jun 2023
01 Apr 2024 to 31 Mar 2033
08 Aug 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NHSE South West (The Commissioner) seeks to re-commission 5 Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes (DESP) to deliver screening to the eligible populations of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (Lot 1), Devon (Lot 2), Somerset (Lot 3), Gloucestershire (Lot 4), and BNSSG (Lot 5). The eligible population includes patients over the age of 12 diagnosed with diabetes and registered with, or eligible to be registered with, a GP in the lot area as well as individuals within prisons, secure units and the armed forces. The aim of the DESP is to reduce the risk of sight loss amongst people with diabetes by the prompt identification and effective treatment, if necessary, of sight threatening diabetic retinopathy. This will be achieved by delivering an evidence-based service that: •Identifies the eligible population and ensures effective delivery with maximum coverage •Is safe, effective, high quality, externally and independently monitored, and quality assured •Leads to earlier detection, appropriate referral, effective treatment and improved outcomes •Is delivered and supported by suitably trained, competent and qualified clinical and non-clinical staff who, where relevant, participate in recognised ongoing continuing medical education, continuous professional development and quality assurance schemes •Has audit embedded in the service •Works effectively with other stakeholders to ensure the care pathway is smooth and efficient There are 3 key elements of service delivery, namely: •Call/recall for all people with diabetes invited for routine digital screening; this is currently undertaken on an annual basis, but screening intervals are likely to extend to 2 years for people at low risk during the contract term, in line with national guidance •Digital surveillance where individuals need more frequent screening •Slit lamp bio-microscopy (SLB) for those individuals where normal photography is inappropriate (e.g. those having cataracts). Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) does not form part of this Contract at this time, though this position may change over the life of the contract in line with national guidance. The Contract term will be 6 years, with an option to extend for a further 3 years at the sole discretion of the Commissioner. The Contracts are due to commence on 01/04/2024. The 9 year estimated contract values, based on predicted activity levels, are: Lot 1 = £9,588,607 Lot 2 = £24,522,731 Lot 3 = £13,581,836 Lot 4 = £11,231,506 Lot 5 = £15,468,533 The Contract will operate on a hybrid basis with a fixed "block" element based upon the actual activity for routine screening in 21/22 plus a variable element for digital surveillance and SLB and a further variable element to incentivise uptake to 85%. Variable elements will be paid according to activity undertaken. The Commissioner's ambition through the financial model is to encourage uptake of DESP to achieve or exceed the national achievable target of 85% uptake in routine screening (DE1).

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The Services will be commissioned using the national service specification for DESP Services, localised where appropriate. National changes to screening frequency for low risk individuals are expected to be implemented during the contract term which will have an impact on activity. The subsequent impact on contract values will be agreed between the Provider and the Commissioner via contract variation. Interested providers may bid for one, multiple or all lots. Interested providers will be able to view the opportunity and access the tender documentation via the 'Live Opportunities' list on the e-procurement system, Atamis, available on the following link: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome This procurement is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. The services are healthcare services falling within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77). The tendering process will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and flexibilities provided by Articles 74 to 76 of the Directive, and Regulations 74 to 76 of the Regulations. The Authority will run a transparent tender process, treating all Bidders equally. For the avoidance of doubt, the Authority will not be bound by the Regulations or the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or any other regulations or legislation except for the specific parts or circumstances that apply to the procurement of these Services. Neither the inclusion of a Bidder selection stage, nor the use of any language or terms found in the Directive or Regulations, nor the description of the procedure voluntarily adopted by the Authority ("Open", "Restricted", "Competitive Procedure with Negotiation", "Competitive Dialogue" or any other description), nor any other indication, shall be taken to mean that the Authority intends to hold itself bound by the Directive or Regulations, save by the provisions applicable to services coming within the scope of Annex XIV of the Directive / Schedule 3 of the Regulations. The Contracting Authority intends to voluntarily observe the award decision notices provisions and 10 day standstill period described in Regulation 86 of the Regulations.

