PRJ-1289-NHSE-New Mill St Practice APMS SEL ICB Southwark MEQ
A Addendum Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 21 Jun 2023
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
1 buyer
- NHS Sel Icb Nhse London
Description NHS South East London Integrated Care Board under delegated commissioning on behalf of NHS England intends to procure a service provider to deliver GP Primary Medical Services under an APMS Contract at New Mill St Practice in Southwark borough. This service is an established Southwark practice which works closely with practices within Bermondsey Neighbourhood Team and North Southwark Primary Care Network. New Mill Street General Practice currently provides GP services to 5936 People residing in the borough of Southwark. The service will operate under an APMS primary care contract. The service will provide GP services to residents within North Southwark. The indicative contract value is approximately 628,855 GBP per annum The contract will have an initial term of 5 years, followed by an optional extension of 5 years plus 5 years at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extension is taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 15 years. The Commissioner is seeking feedback through this market engagement exercise to shape the requirements of this service and to inform the market of any future procurement exercise. The Commissioner values open and detailed feedback in these areas. Questionnaire responses submitted will remain confidential and information gathered will be used for the sole purpose of informing the upcoming procurement process and seeking feedback from the market. Interested providers are requested to express an interest in this project and complete the Market Engagement Questionnaire available on this EOI Advert. Completed Market Engagement Questionnaires must be submitted by the 7th July 2023 at 1200 GMT via ProContract. The link can be found below to register your organisation on the e-procurement portal ProContract, access the Expression of Interest and download the relevant documentation for submission: This Market Engagement process is being managed by the NHS London Commercial Hub (hosted by NHS North East London) on behalf of NHS South East London.
Ammendments to Previous Notice
2. II.1.4
NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (NHS SEL ICB) under delegated commissioning on behalf of NHS England intends to procure a service provider to deliver GP Primary Medical Services under an APMS Contract at New Mill St Practice in the Southwark borough. This service is an established Southwark practice which works closely with practices within Bermondsey Neighbourhood Team and North Southwark Primary Care Network. New Mill Street General Practice currently provides GP services to 5936 People residing in the borough of Southwark. The service will operate under an APMS primary care contract. The service will provide GP services to residents within North Southwark. The indicative contract value is approximately £845,998 £628,855 per annum annum. The contract will have an initial term of 5 years (60 months), followed by an optional extension of 5 years (60 months) plus 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extensions are taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 15 years (180 months). The Commissioner is seeking feedback through this market engagement exercise to shape the requirements of this service and to inform the market of any future procurement exercise. The Commissioner values open and detailed feedback in these areas. Questionnaire responses submitted will remain confidential and information gathered will be used for the sole purpose of informing the upcoming procurement process and seeking feedback from the market. Interested parties are asked to follow the link below to register on the ProContract portal and Express an Interest to gain access to the Market Engagement Questionnaire to complete and submit by the deadline stated; 4545&fromRfxSummary=True&rfxId=66195c40-1906-ee11-8123-005056b64545
3. II.1.5
£12,689,970 £9,432,825
4. II.2.4
This is a prior information notice of an upcoming procurement process for New Mill Street General Practice delivered under an APMS Contract to residents in the practice catchment area of North Southwark. NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (NHS SEL ICB) under delegated commissioning on behalf of NHS England will soon be undertaking a procurement process to select a service provider to deliver GP Primary Medical Services under an APMS Contract at New Mill St Practice in Southwark borough. The SEL ICB is currently developing the draft service requirements which is being informed by service user and stakeholder feedback. SEL ICB wish to request market feedback from potentially interested providers to inform the upcoming procurement process. In order to assist the Commissioners with testing its assumptions and proposed service requirements, a market engagement questionnaire (MEQ) has been published to explore the market's feedback on the following areas: • Outline of service requirements and KPI's • timescales for procurement and mobilisation of the new contract • proposed contract duration and financial model. Although, this pre-market engagement does not form any part of the formal procurement process, it will inform how the new service is commissioned. Information gained from this exercise will be used to inform the final service specification and expected outcomes from the procurement process. Background This service is an established Southwark practice which works closely with practices within Bermondsey Neighbourhood Team and North Southwark Primary Care Network. New Mill Street General Practice currently provides GP services to 5936 People residing in the borough of Southwark. The practice is supported by Quay Health Solutions Community GP Federation. Outline The service will operate under an APMS primary care contract and provide core General Medical Services together with a PMS Premium specification to residents within Southwark. Patient Cohort The service will provide GP services to residents within North Southwark. Aims and objectives The aims of the service are to: • deliver general medical services to the registered population. • To have a proactive patient centred model of care adopting a multidisciplinary approach to case management. • provide a responsive service which adapts over time to patient feedback and to changes in evidence • develop effective working relationships across the wider system, such as but not exclusively, nursing homes, acute hospitals, community nursing, voluntary sector organisations. • To work closely within their Integrated Neighbourhood Team and with the PCN, to support delivery of the GMS contract to the local population. • To help improve consistency and remove variation across the borough in quality of care. • To consistently provide high quality care to the patients • improve patient satisfaction and outcomes • improve management of long-term conditions within the practice cohort Contract value The indicative contract value is approximately £845,998 £628,855 per annum. This figure is based on the current practice list size, but it is expected that there will be some list size growth in line with local and national expected population increase. Contract Duration The contract will have an initial term of 5 years (60 months), followed by an optional extension of 5 years (60 months) plus 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extension is taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 15 years (180 months). The purpose of this PIN is to inform the market of a possible procurement. In issuing this PIN and engaging with the market, the Authority is not committing to carrying out any procurement. The services in the scope of this procurement fall within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77).
5. II.2.6
£12,689,970 £9,432,825
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **
- ocds-h6vhtk-03d675
- FTS 017683-2023