A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
not specified
03 Jul 2023
not specified



East Midlands England:

Geochart for 3 buyers and 4 suppliers


This procurement aims to establish a Victim Services Framework agreement. Immediately following the award of the Framework Agreement, the PCC intends to enter into four initial call-off contracts for: Lot 1 - Nottinghamshire Victim CARE Lot 2 - Restorative Nottinghamshire Lot 3 - Victim Awareness Training Lot 4 - Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service

Lot Division

1 Nottinghamshire Victim CARE

The Nottinghamshire Victim CARE Service will support any victim of crime or anti-social behaviour who resides in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire as well as their close relatives . Support for victims of harm including hate incidents, road traffic crime and identity theft, where they may not be considered a victim under the Victims’ Code, are also in scope for the service. Additional information: The estimated value of £2,960,000 for Lot 1 is based on the potential value over the full framework term. It is envisaged that the value for the initial call-off contract will be £2,590,000. The PCC is establishing a 4-year Framework Agreement. Its anticipated that the call off contract length for Lot 1 is: 3.5yr initial term with options to extend for 3 x 12 month periods

Award Criteria
Quality 75
price 25
2 Restorative Nottinghamshire

It is the intention of the the PCC and Nottinghamshire City and County Probation Service to co-commission a suitably experienced and competent Restorative Justice provider to deliver RJ in Nottinghamshire. Additional information: The estimated value of £800,000 for Lot 2 is based on the potential value over the full framework term. It is envisaged that the value for the initial call-off contract will be £700,000. The PCC is establishing a 4-year Framework Agreement. Its anticipated that the call off contract length for Lot 2 is: 3.5yr initial term with options to extend for 3 x 12 month periods

Award Criteria
Quality 75
price 25
3 Victim Awareness Training

It is the intention of the PCC to award a contract to a suitably experienced victim awareness training provider to deliver an educational and rehabilitative victim awareness training course to offenders who have been referred directly by Nottinghamshire Police. Additional information: The estimated value of £10,000 for Lot 3 is based on the potential value over the full framework term. This value is for set up costs only, this Lot is 100% Quality. The PCC is establishing a 4-year Framework Agreement. Its anticipated that the call off contract length for Lot 3 is: 1 yr initial term with options to extend for 5 x 12-month periods

Award Criteria
Quality 100
price 0
4 Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service

It is the intention of the PCC to award a contract to a suitably experienced Provider to deliver a support and advocacy service for victims of non-domestic stalking in Nottinghamshire. The Service will complement and enhance the commissioned support services currently available to victims and survivors of crime. Additional information: The estimated value of £364,000 for Lot 4 is based on the potential value over the full framework term. It is envisaged that the value for the initial call-off contract will be £227,500. The PCC is establishing a 4-year Framework Agreement. Its anticipated that the call off contract length for Lot 4 is :2.5yr initial term with options to extend for 4 x 12-month optional extensions

Award Criteria
Quality 75
price 25

Award Detail

1 Remedi Restorative Services (Sheffield)
  • Nottinghamshire Victim CARE
  • Reference: 018798-2023-1
  • Value: £2,590,000
2 Remedi Restorative Services (Sheffield)
  • Restorative Nottinghamshire
  • Reference: 018798-2023-2
  • Value: £700,000
3 Red Snapper (London)
  • Victim Awareness Training
  • Reference: 018798-2023-3
  • Value: £10,000
4 Nottinghamshire Womens Aid (Worksop)
  • Nottinghamshire Stalking Advocacy Service
  • Reference: 018798-2023-4
  • Value: £227,500

CPV Codes

  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Following evaluation of the compliant Tender Responses and approval of the outcome, the Customer intends to enter into a 48 month Framework Agreement with up to 4 providers, which will be determined by the highest scoring 1 provider per lot. A Call-Off Contract will be given to the top scoring provider of each lot. Bidders are asked to note that any contract values stated within this notice are estimates only, and should not be construed as any commitment by the PCC to spend such sums. Bidders will remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from Bidders in connection with taking part in this procurement, regardless of whether such costs arise as a consequence direct or indirect of any amendments made to the procurement documents by the PCC at any time. The PCC reserves the right at any time to: (i) reject any or all responses and to cancel or withdraw this procurement at any stage; (ii) award a contract without prior notice; (iii) change the basis, the procedures and the time-scales set out or referred to within the procurement documents; (iv) require a bidder to clarify any submissions in writing and/or provide additional information (failure to respond adequately may result in disqualification); (v) terminate the procurement process; and (vi) amend the terms and conditions of the selection and evaluation process. All discussions and correspondence will be deemed strictly subject to contract until a formal contract is entered into. The formal contract shall not be binding until it has been signed and dated by the duly authorised representatives of both parties subject to a sufficient number of satisfactory responses being received

