Registered Care and Support Services Ofsted and CQC in a designated property within Gloucestershire AP

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5 year
07 Jul 2023
12 Aug 2023 to 01 Oct 2028
25 Jul 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


An Ofsted/CQC Registered Property - ACCELERATED PROCEDURE see point 5 Additional Information below.

CPV Codes

  • 85311300 - Welfare services for children and young people


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

This Project is to create a lifetime home for initially one complex young person (aged 14+), within Gloucestershire. The Provider will manage an identified and specifically adapted property which will be run as a registered Children's Home (Ofsted and CQC registered) to support this young person whilst under 18. Post age 18, under CQC registration the support will continue for this property to be a lifetime home, dependent on assessed needs. The building is currently an empty property which was previously a 5 bedded residential home for Adults with Learning Disabilities. The property is based in the Stroud District of Gloucestershire, a 10-minute drive from the market town. The project will transform the property into a home initially for one Young Person with complex needs which include learning disabilities and autism. Over time and following appropriate matching exercises there is potential for a second young person to have a long term placement, this would not include emergency or short term placement. The key drivers for the project are: • For the Young Person to be in a regulated Placement with appropriate support in place. • For the Young Person to have a lifetime home within Gloucestershire. • For the Young Person to be given stability and consistency in both their home and their care. • For the Young Person to become integrated into their local community as much as possible. • For the Young Person to achieve supported independence as they transition into adulthood. This development will initially focus on providing a young person with a learning disability and autism, a home for life. It will provide the right infrastructure and care to help Gloucestershire meet this young person's needs now and into the future. Please note this procurement will be conducted under the light-touch regime and this will be accelerated tender under regulation PCR 2015 27 (5). Please read the instructions for accessing the tender documents and the tender deadline. The contract length is an initial term of 60 months with an optional extension of up to 60 months. The initial term of 60 months is estimated at a value of £6,100,000. The estimated contract value stated of £12,200,000 is for the entire potential 120 month term. The contract value is dependent on the needs of the individual(s) resident. This means the total cost of the contract may increase to circa £15,000,000 to meet those needs. Please see the tender documents for initial term pricing and staffing requirements.

