RFI - NSIGN Ships Market Engagement

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
03 Aug 2023
not specified
29 Sep 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Introduction NSIGN (Naval Support Integrated Global Network) is a new Category A (> £400M) programme set up to optimise the future management and delivery of engineering support for Royal Navy Ships and Submarines and Naval Base Services. This RFI is specifically focused on the NSIGN Ships project, which forms part of the NSIGN programme. The aim of the RFI is to advise of the commencement of the early market sounding phase which is aimed at gaining a market view of the emerging requirements and feasibility of possible options. Background The NSIGN Ships project is primarily designed to replace the current Ship Engineering Management and Delivery Lots of the Future Maritime Support Programme (FMSP). FMSP contains a total of 10 contracts, the scope of which covers engineering management and delivery to Complex Warships (Type 45, QEC, Type 26 etc), Submarines as well as the provision of Naval Base Services. The FMSP contracts, delivering Ship Engineering Management and Delivery expire between 2026 and 2028. However, in recognising the changing nature of the future Royal Navy fleet in terms of the gradual introduction of more modular and commercial vessels, the NSIGN scope will be broader than FMSP. As NSIGN is in concept phase the UK Ministry of Defence (UK MOD) is finalising its requirement and analysing potential options for replacing all these support arrangements. NSIGN requirements for Commercial Ship Management NSIGN is exploring options to deliver an improved operating model that transforms the Ships engineering enterprise within defence, delivering increased availability to sustain a Global, Modern, Ready Royal Navy. To enable this vision, the Navy must have a regime to deliver capable and resilient repair and maintenance support to Ships in both the UK and worldwide. NSIGN seeks to build on the achievements of several existing in-service support contracts (including but not limited to FMSP, Commercially Supported Shipping & Off-Shore Patrol Vessels) and also utilise the learning from key initiatives, such as the on-going T31 support opportunity. Additionally, in terms of improving ship availability and increased value for money, the UK MOD wishes to explore the ability for adoption of commercial ship management models and best practice into the defence landscape. The support activities associated with the management and delivery of ship engineering will include but are not limited to: planning for and execution of global & domestic repair and maintenance; engineering support, planned preventative and corrective maintenance, operational defect rectification; obsolescence management; stores management; logistic support; risk management; and post design services. As the NSIGN concept phase is just starting, no decisions have been made on the delivery model and wider industry and commercial input to shape the concept phase work will be welcomed during the early market sounding phase.

CPV Codes

  • 50241100 - Vessel repair services
  • 60640000 - Shipping operations


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The UK MOD does not bind itself to carry out any procurement in relation to this RFI nor enter into any contract(s) arising out of the proceedings envisaged by this RFI and no contractual rights express or implied arise out of this notice or the procedures envisaged by it. The UK MOD reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to alter its approach prior to commencing any formal procurement. It is also to be noted that all information and indicative costs that are supplied by the UK MOD in this RFI and in the forthcoming market engagement are DRAFT and subject to change. Equally, non-participation in the market engagement will not be taken into account in any future procurement activities and will not preclude any organisation from submitting a tender in any future procurement. Neither the UK MOD nor its respective advisers will be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by interested parties (or their professional advisers, funders, directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives) in connection with their participation in the early market engagement, any resulting or related competition, or any part thereof. All costs and expenses incurred by any person in connection with the early market engagement or any resulting or related competition generally are the responsibilities of that person, and the UK MOD will have no liability for any costs or expenses incurred by such person. https://gbr01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://contracts.mod.uk/eso...

