Sport England Design and Technical Assurance Consultancy Services Frameworks

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
08 Aug 2023
not specified



United Kingdom: UNITED KINGDOM

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Sport England shall be looking to enter into Framework/s in 2023 for Design and Technical Assurance Consultancy Services. The Framework/s shall be multi-provider and is expected to contain two Lots for 1: Design and 2: Technical Assurance - this is not a call for competition, but market engagement

Lot Division

1 Design Services

The principal requirements within the Design Services lot shall include: — Review and development of Design Guidance Information, — Design support to Sport England (SE) Officers for SE funded projects/programmes — Design support into National Sports Centre developments,— Development of other benchmark and sustainable models including Leisure Local, Community Leisure Hub and smaller colocation facilities, — Development of environmental sustainable concepts for new and modernisation of facilities - Research into acoustics, products and other facility types (for example modern methods of construction), — Development of multi-media for facility designs, — Design input into Operator Procurement models, — Business Planning, —Support from other Specialist Services (e.g. architecture, building surveying, monitoring and evaluation, structural engineering, acoustic design, civil engineering, artificial sports surfaces, natural grass agronomy, accessibility, inclusive and universal design consultants, landscaping, pool specialists, health and safety and risk assessment and environmental sustainability). Additional information: It is envisaged that this lot will have a total value of £3m

2 Technical Assurance

The principal requirements within the Technical Assurance Services shall include: — Review and development of Facility costs and life cycle costs, and whole life costs — Cost, PM, QS and financial business planning support to SE Officers for SE funded projects/programmes for schemes (demolition, refurbishment, modernisation, repurposing and new build),— Development of other benchmark and sustainable models including Leisure Local, Community Leisure Hub and smaller colocation facilities, — Development of environmental sustainable concept costs for new and modernisation of facilities— Research into acoustics, products and other facility types, — Financial Business Planning input into Projects, Facilities and Operator Procurement models, — Financial and technical risk management, — Procurement Toolkit development to assist wider organisations, — Condition surveys of existing facilities, — Support to SE Officers for developer and similar appeals and negotiations, — cost advice on natural turf, hybrid turf and artificial pitches. Additional information: It is anticipated this lot will have a total value of £2m

CPV Codes

  • 71530000 - Construction consultancy services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 71220000 - Architectural design services
  • 79415200 - Design consultancy services
  • 79421200 - Project-design services other than for construction work
  • 71200000 - Architectural and related services
  • 71210000 - Advisory architectural services
  • 71315100 - Building-fabric consultancy services
  • 71315200 - Building consultancy services
  • 71315210 - Building services consultancy services
  • 72224000 - Project management consultancy services
  • 71324000 - Quantity surveying services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** This is not a call for competition, it is a request for early market engagement to understand the anticipated level of interest in the opportunity and also to notify of potential key dates for the upcoming procurement activity. The survey is accessible here:- To view this notice, please click here: <a href="" target="_blank"> GO Reference: GO-202388-PRO-23605183

