City and Hackney PTWA - New Members Admission - 2023-24

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
25 Aug 2023
not specified
22 Sep 2023 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Alliance (PTWA) is an innovative collaborative contracting arrangement that aims to: 1. Co-ordinate the provision of Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing services across all City and Hackney providers. 2. To provide patients with an integrated point of access and to ensure that resources and patient flows are balanced between services to avoid the build-up of long waiting lists. 3. To ensure that the full range of needs are met, closing gaps in service provision. The PTWA board co-ordinates and integrates service provision between providers in the psychological therapies' pathway through a structure of shared performance and contractual framework, shared targets, aims and through sharing expertise, best practice, training and development. One of the providers is appointed as a fund holder who receives the funds from the ICB and pay the funds to the other providers. The Alliance itself is underpinned by an alliance agreement that is signed by all of the providers and the ICB. This enshrines the role of a PTWA board where the providers and the ICB are jointly and severally responsible for key decisions about the delivery of services and allocation of the available funds. The PTWA is open to the admission of new members. This PIN is to publicise to any organisations that is interested in joining the alliance; that they can apply to join the alliance by responding to this notice. Any applicant will be asked to prove they meet the essential criteria as a condition of admission as an alliance member. Once admitted as a new alliance member the organisation can take part in the discussions with the alliance board and be able to propose services that can improve the delivery of the PTWA in City and Hackney. Essential criteria from entry of new members in the PTWA: Organisations considering to be part of the PTWA must meet the following ESSENTIAL criteria at of their application: • Essential/pass criteria 1: The applicant must be an established provider of services (at least 18 months of locally provided services) which are integral to the psychological therapies' pathway, common mental health problems or severe mental illness. • Essential/pass criteria 2: All psychological therapists providing any Psychological Therapy service, are fully accredited with the relevant national professional body and outcomes and activity are reported on to the Alliance as relevant and appropriate • Essential/pass criteria 3: The applicant must receive a minimum of £100K of annual recurrent statutory funding annually (ICB or local authority funding) for the provision of services to City and Hackney residents. • Essential/pass criteria 4: The applicant must be able to pass due diligence check of necessary policies, procedures and accounts required before an NHS Standard Contract can be awarded. This includes CQC registration where relevant.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The evaluation of the applications against the criteria will be completed by the end of October 2023 . If a new member is admitted, the signing of the CAMHS Alliance agreement will be completed before April 2024 The procurement process following this notice is detailed below: • Organisation interested in joining the CAMHS Alliance must respond to this notice. • The ICB will send a questionnaire to organisation that responds to this notice. • The organisation is asked to respond and submit the questionnaire to the ICB at the deadline specified in the questionnaire. • The ICB will send the questionnaire to the CAMHS Alliance board for evaluation/confirmation essential criteria are met. • Organisations accepted as a new member will then be notified by the ICB. Once registered, you can express an interest in joining the CAMHS Alliance and submit the EOI Please note that any expressions of interests by any other means will not be considered. The outcome of the process is that the provider will be awarded initially a £0 value contract for the new member based on the NHS Standard Contract and will be asked to sign the CAMHS Alliance Agreement. The confirmation of admission to the alliance is only confirmed upon the signing of both documents together. Organisation responding to this notice must be aware that the NHS Standard Contract and the alliance agreement are already in place between the existing alliance members and for that reason they are not new contracts that can be negotiated on a provider specifics basis. The term of the current CAMHS Alliance NHS Standard Contract and the term of the CAMHS Alliance agreement is from 1st of April 2022 to 31st March 2024.

