2324-0076 Mental Health Employment Service

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
04 Sep 2023
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for information only. It is not a formal invitation to tender. Islington Council intends to procure a Mental Health Employment Support Service that will provide specialist support to residents with a mental illness in Islington to obtain and maintain paid employment.

Total Quantity or Scope

Overview Islington Council’s vision is that by 2030 there is a sustainable, inclusive, and locally rooted economy in the borough. The council’s commitment to promoting economic wellbeing for residents includes: 1. Empowering residents, particularly those who face the most disadvantage, to secure and retain good quality jobs that are well paid. 2. Providing targeted employment support through the Islington Working Partnership. 3. Actively promoting opportunities, such as volunteering, as a means of building skills and confidence for work. An in-depth review of Islington mental health employment support provision was completed in March 2023. The review highlighted a number of opportunities to further develop and improve the employment support offer for residents with mental ill- health, through redesign, collaboration and integration. Following this review, Islington Council, and the North Central London Integrated Care Board, intends to procure a Mental Health Employment Support Service that will provide specialist support to residents with a mental illness in Islington to obtain and maintain paid employment. The service will deliver tailored mental health support that is effective and provides a positive experience within an inclusive community-based setting. The Service will work in partnership with, and complement, the council’s in-house adult employment service, iWork, and will work collaboratively part of the wider Islington Working Partnership, a network of partners who support residents into employment, with other mental health, community, and universal services to realise the vision. The new contract will require a successful bidder to have access to premises, that provides an inclusive, welcoming community atmosphere. The estimated date of publication of the contract notice relating to this PIN will be late October 2023. The estimated duration of the contract to be procured is anticipated to be for an initial period of three years, with the option to extend for up to a further three years.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


Other Information

Market questionnaire Islington Council is keen to engage potential providers of mental health employment services by way of a market questionnaire. If you wish to participate, the questionnaire is available via the London Tenders Portal (ProContract): https://procontract.due-north.com/Login Registration is free of charge. Please Note: This is not an invitation to tender, nor does it preclude or favour eligibility to participate in the formal procurement once it starts. It is a process solely to test the current market capacity, to scope the services, engage with a wide range of stakeholders and inform the procurement process. Details in this PIN are subject to being updated or changed in the final contract notice. The Council reserves the right to cancel, postpone, suspend or abort this procurement at any stage. The issue of this PIN in no way commits the Council to commence the procurement process. The contract notice will be published on the e-tendering system used by Islington Council, the London Tenders Portal (ProContract). Once you register on the portal (as above) you will receive an email alert when the contract notice is published.

